I am using Eloquent ORM outside of Laravel-4 and I am building a custom Paginator.

First, I build a query using Fluent Query Builder. I want to get the number of result the query could return using count() and then I do a custom pagination using take(x) and skip(y). I need to do the count() before the take()->skip()->get() so I dont fall outside of the page range. The problem is that when I use the count() method on the query, it seems to remove any select I added previously.

I isolated the problem to this simple example:

$query = DB::table('companies')
               'companies.name as company_name',
               'countries.name as country_name'

$nbPages = $query->count();
$results = $query->get();

//$results contains all fields of both tables 'companies' and 'countries'

If i invert the order of the count and get, it works fine:

$results = $query->get();
$nbPages = $query->count();

//$results contains only 'company_name' and 'country_name'

Question: is there a more elegant way the using something like this:

$tmp = clone $query;
$nbPages = $tmp->count();
$results = $query->get();

1 Answer 1


There is not, unfortunately. Open issue on github about the problem: https://github.com/laravel/framework/pull/3416


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