I have column-oriented text of the form:

TR #  DATE        DESCRIPTION                  PROGRAMMER
----- ----------- ---------------------------  -----------
12345 01-APR-2014 This is an April Fool's      Joe Sewell
                  joke. Not!

Now I want to widen the DESCRIPTION column and rewrap that column only to the new width. Let's say, for the sake of this question, I would add the spaces myself so it would look more like this:

TR #  DATE        DESCRIPTION                        PROGRAMMER
----- ----------- ---------------------------------  -----------
12345 01-APR-2014 This is an April Fool's            Joe Sewell
                  joke. Not!

Now comes the bit I need help on. I want to perform a visual block selection (CTRL-V or CTRL-Q in gvim) on the DESCRIPTION column and perform an ex command or mapping to rewrap the text to the selected width, producing:

TR #  DATE        DESCRIPTION                        PROGRAMMER
----- ----------- ---------------------------------  -----------
12345 01-APR-2014 This is an April Fool's joke.      Joe Sewell

I can deal with the subsequent lines having trailing spaces, if necessary. I want none of the rest of the text on the selected lines affected. (Those familiar with EVE under OpenVMS, this is equivalent to block selecting a chunk of text and, with the EDT keypad, typing GOLD-8.) I don't want indentation changed.

2 Answers 2


My FormatToWidth plugin provides a <Leader>gq command with which you can achieve this: enter image description here


Have you considered moving the DESCRIPTION column to another buffer, setting your desired textwidth for that buffer (:set textwidth=yournumber), formatting with gq, then moving back to the original location?

  • I thought about that, though I'd have to derive textwidth based on the width of the selection (since it's not always consistent). I was hoping for something a little easier, but I might be able to automate that.
    – Joe Sewell
    Apr 8, 2014 at 17:31
  • I was also hoping for a way to do this without having a new buffer appear & disappear from the screen.
    – Joe Sewell
    Apr 10, 2014 at 18:22

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