Newb here.
I'm trying to build a form which will take in two amounts then return a set of simple calculations based on data entered in by the user (the amount of the sub tax, the amount of the sub total, the amount of the total, etc.
I attempted to build a function and bolt it in round the amounts to the nearest penny, but it's not working as hoped. It seems like its' rounding up the nearest 100 dollar mark i think. I've googled a bit, read through stack some, and i'm becoming more and more confused as i attempt what i thought would be a simple exercise.
Guidance help appreciated
my code:
<?php //0102e_taxes-01.php
//Constant never changes, 100% available everywhere- almost always simple datatypes (T or F, num, string)
//define('THIS_PAGE', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);//shows webroot
define('THIS_PAGE', basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));//shows app root - gets name of the file basically
define('TAX_RATE', .095); //current tax rate us => .095 => is 9.5%
//echo THIS_PAGE;// shows this pagefile
//VAR_DUMP - we love it cause we can see everything
function roundNearestHundredUp($number) {
return ceil( $number / 100 ) * 100;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {//if data, do processing
$purchase01 = (float) $_POST['purchase01'];//float before floats data after
$purchase02 = (float) $_POST['purchase02'];//float before floats data after
$subtotal = $purchase01 + $purchase02;
$amountTotal = TAX_RATE * $amountBeforeTax;
$amountTax = $amountTotal - $subtotal;
echo "<br /><br />";
echo 'First Purchase: $' . $purchase01 . '<br />';//standard
echo 'First Purchase: $' . $purchase02 . '<br />';//standard
echo '<hr />';
echo 'subtotal before tax: $' . roundNearestHundredUp($subtotal) . '<br />';//standard
echo '<hr />';
echo 'Washington state tax: %' . TAX_RATE . '<br />';
echo '<hr />';
echo 'your purchase amount is $' . roundNearestHundredUp($amountTotal) . '<br />';//risky double dollar sign
}else{//show Output
<form method="post" action="004_form-taxes.php">
Enter Purchase Amount:
<input type="text" name="purchase01" />
<br />
Enter Purchase Amount:
<input type="text" name="purchase02" />
<br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" />
}//if you dont' need else, do a 'print and die statement' so if else happens you know else happened.
before you found round()?? You will also greatly benefit from the BC Math Functions for mathematical calculations due to 32-bit int/float limitations and PHP's loose type acceptance in general.echo '$'.round(160.1662, 2);
will produce$160.17