I know this command will paste the clipboard contents into a file:

xclip -out -selection clipboard >> file.txt

If I want to paste clipboard content into a variable like a string what do I do?

4 Answers 4


To assign the output of a command to a variable, you can use command substitution:

myvar=$( command )
echo "$myvar"

You can output by echo your clipboard contents using xclip:

clipboard_content=`xclip -o -selection clipboard`
echo "$clipboard_content"

You can output echo your clipboard by xsel also:

myvar=$( xsel -ob )
echo "$myvar"

I am currently using

# collect contents of clipboard
ln=$(xsel -ob)
# manipulate contents of the variable ln
# "post result back to clipboard, -n without newline at end
echo -n $ln | xclip -sel c

xsel and xclip were installed using Synaptic

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