I am sending byte arrays between a TCP socket server & client in C. The information that I am sending is a series of integers.
I have it working, but because I am not too conversant with C, I was wondering if anyone could suggest a better solution, or at least to look and tell me that I'm not being too crazy or using outdated code with what I'm doing.
First, I generate a random decimal value, let's say "350". I need to transmit this over the socket connection as a hex byte array. It is decoded back to its decimal value at the other end.
So far, I convert it to hex this way:
unsigned char hexstr[4];
sprintf(hexstr, "%02X", numToConvert); \\ where numToConvert is a decimal integer value like 350
At this point, I have a string in hexstr that's something like "15E" (again, using the hex value of 350 for an example).
Now, I need to store this in a byte array so that it looks something like: myArray = {0X00, 0X00, 0X01, 0X5E};
Obviously I can't just write: myArray = {0X00, 0X00, 0X01, 0X5E} because the values will be different every time, since a new random number is generated every time.
Currently, I do it like this (pseudocode because the string manipulation part is irrelevant but long):
lastTwoChars = getLastTwoCharsFromString(hexstr); // so lastTwoChars would now contain "5E"
Then (actual code):
sscanf(lastTwoChars, "%0X", &res); // now the variable res contains the byte representation of lastTwoChars, is my understanding
Then finally:
myArray[3] = res;
Then, I take the next two rightmost chars from hexstr (again, using the sample value of "15E", this would be "01" -- if there's only 1 more character, as in this case "1" was the only character left after taking out "5E" from "15E", I add 0s to the left to pad) and convert that the same way using sscanf, then insert into myArray[2]. Repeat for myArray[1] and myArray[0].
Then I send the array using write().
So, after hours of plugging away at it, this all does work... but because I don't use C very much, I have a nagging suspicion that there's something I am missing in all this. Can anyone comment if what I'm doing seems OK, or there's something obvious I'm using improperly or neglecting to use?
you can use the somewhat simplerstrtol
and instead ofsprintf
you can useitoa