I have used unions earlier comfortably; today I was alarmed when I read this post and came to know that this code

union ARGB
    uint32_t colour;

    struct componentsTag
        uint8_t b;
        uint8_t g;
        uint8_t r;
        uint8_t a;
    } components;

} pixel;

pixel.colour = 0xff040201;  // ARGB::colour is the active member from now on

// somewhere down the line, without any edit to pixel

if(pixel.components.a)      // accessing the non-active member ARGB::components

is actually undefined behaviour I.e. reading from a member of the union other than the one recently written to leads to undefined behaviour. If this isn't the intended usage of unions, what is? Can some one please explain it elaborately?


I wanted to clarify a few things in hindsight.

  • The answer to the question isn't the same for C and C++; my ignorant younger self tagged it as both C and C++.
  • After scouring through C++11's standard I couldn't conclusively say that it calls out accessing/inspecting a non-active union member is undefined/unspecified/implementation-defined. All I could find was §9.5/1:

    If a standard-layout union contains several standard-layout structs that share a common initial sequence, and if an object of this standard-layout union type contains one of the standard-layout structs, it is permitted to inspect the common initial sequence of any of standard-layout struct members. §9.2/19: Two standard-layout structs share a common initial sequence if corresponding members have layout-compatible types and either neither member is a bit-field or both are bit-fields with the same width for a sequence of one or more initial members.

  • While in C, (C99 TC3 - DR 283 onwards) it's legal to do so (thanks to Pascal Cuoq for bringing this up). However, attempting to do it can still lead to undefined behavior, if the value read happens to be invalid (so called "trap representation") for the type it is read through. Otherwise, the value read is implementation defined.
  • C89/90 called this out under unspecified behavior (Annex J) and K&R's book says it's implementation defined. Quote from K&R:

    This is the purpose of a union - a single variable that can legitimately hold any of one of several types. [...] so long as the usage is consistent: the type retrieved must be the type most recently stored. It is the programmer's responsibility to keep track of which type is currently stored in a union; the results are implementation-dependent if something is stored as one type and extracted as another.

  • Extract from Stroustrup's TC++PL (emphasis mine)

    Use of unions can be essential for compatness of data [...] sometimes misused for "type conversion".

Above all, this question (whose title remains unchanged since my ask) was posed with an intention of understanding the purpose of unions AND not on what the standard allows E.g. Using inheritance for code reuse is, of course, allowed by the C++ standard, but it wasn't the purpose or the original intention of introducing inheritance as a C++ language feature. This is the reason Andrey's answer continues to remain as the accepted one.

  • 12
    Simply stated, compilers are allowed to insert padding between elements in a structure. Thus, b, g, r, and a may not be contiguous, and thus not match the layout of a uint32_t. This is in addition to the Endianess issues that others have pointed out. Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 18:48
  • 11
    This is exactly why you shouldn't tags questions C and C++. The answers are different, but since answerers do not even tell for what tag they are answering (do they even know?), you get rubbish. Commented Aug 17, 2013 at 6:45
  • 11
    @downvoter Thanks for not explaining, I understand that you want me to magically understand your gripe and not repeat it in future :P
    – legends2k
    Commented Aug 6, 2014 at 14:58
  • 1
    Regarding the original intention of having union, bear in mind that the C standard post-dates C unions by several years. A quick look at Unix V7 shows a few type conversions via unions.
    – ninjalj
    Commented Apr 20, 2015 at 0:17
  • 4
    scouring C++11's standard I couldn't conclusively say that it calls out accessing/inspecting a non-active union member is undefined [...] All I could find was §9.5/1 ...really? you quote an exception note, not the main point right at the start of the paragraph: "In a union, at most one of the non-static data members can be active at any time, that is, the value of at most one of the non-static data members can be stored in a union at any time." - and down to p4: "In general, one must use explicit destructor calls and placement new operators to change the active member of a union" Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 20:36

18 Answers 18


The purpose of unions is rather obvious, but for some reason people miss it quite often.

The purpose of union is to save memory by using the same memory region for storing different objects at different times. That's it.

It is like a room in a hotel. Different people live in it for non-overlapping periods of time. These people never meet, and generally don't know anything about each other. By properly managing the time-sharing of the rooms (i.e. by making sure different people don't get assigned to one room at the same time), a relatively small hotel can provide accommodations to a relatively large number of people, which is what hotels are for.

That's exactly what union does. If you know that several objects in your program hold values with non-overlapping value-lifetimes, then you can "merge" these objects into a union and thus save memory. Just like a hotel room has at most one "active" tenant at each moment of time, a union has at most one "active" member at each moment of program time. Only the "active" member can be read. By writing into other member you switch the "active" status to that other member.

For some reason, this original purpose of the union got "overridden" with something completely different: writing one member of a union and then inspecting it through another member. This kind of memory reinterpretation (aka "type punning") is not a valid use of unions. It generally leads to undefined behavior is described as producing implementation-defined behavior in C89/90.

EDIT: Using unions for the purposes of type punning (i.e. writing one member and then reading another) was given a more detailed definition in one of the Technical Corrigenda to the C99 standard (see DR#257 and DR#283). However, keep in mind that formally this does not protect you from running into undefined behavior by attempting to read a trap representation.

  • 54
    +1 for being elaborate, giving a simple practical example and saying about the legacy of unions!
    – legends2k
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 22:52
  • 7
    The problem I have with this answer is that most OSes I have seen have header files that do this exact thing. For example I've seen it in old (pre-64-bit) versions of <time.h> on both Windows and Unix. Dismissing it as "not valid" and "undefined" isn't really sufficient if I'm going to be called upon to understand code that works in this exact way.
    – T.E.D.
    Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 18:38
  • 37
    @AndreyT “It has never been legal to use unions for type punning until very recently”: 2004 is not “very recent”, especially considering that it is only C99 that was initially clumsily worded, appearing to make type-punning through unions undefined. In reality, type-punning though unions is legal in C89, legal in C11, and it was legal in C99 all along although it took until 2004 for the committee to fix incorrect wording, and the subsequent release of TC3. open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/dr_283.htm Commented Aug 17, 2013 at 6:53
  • 10
    @legends2k Programming language are defined by standard. The Technical Corrigendum 3 of the C99 standard explicitly allows type-punning in its footnote 82, which I invite you to read for yourself. This is not TV where rock stars are interviewed and express their opinions on climate change. Stroustrup's opinion has zero influence on what the C standard says. Commented Oct 11, 2013 at 5:57
  • 9
    @legends2k "I know that any individual's opinion doesn't matter and only the standard does" The opinion of compiler writers matters a lot more than the (extremely poor) language "specification".
    – curiousguy
    Commented Oct 14, 2015 at 0:08

You could use unions to create structs like the following, which contains a field that tells us which component of the union is actually used:

    enum o_t { Int, Double, String } objectType;

        int intValue;
        double dblValue;
        char *strValue;
    } value;
} object;
  • 2
    I totally agree, without entering the undefined-behaviour chaos, perhaps this is the best intended behaviour of unions I can think of; but won't is waste space when am just using, say int or char* for 10 items of object[]; in which case, I can actually declare separate structs for each data type instead of VAROBJECT? Wouldn't it reduce clutter and use lesser space?
    – legends2k
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 12:24
  • 3
    legends: In some cases, you simply can't do that. You use something like VAROBJECT in C in the same cases when you use Object in Java. Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 19:02
  • The data structure of tagged unions seems to be a only legitimate use of unions, as you explain.
    – legends2k
    Commented Jun 12, 2014 at 7:25
  • Also give an example of how to use the values. Commented May 4, 2016 at 15:36
  • 1
    @CiroSantilli新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 A part of an example from C++ Primer, might help. wandbox.org/permlink/cFSrXyG02vOSdBk2
    – Rick
    Commented Sep 29, 2018 at 11:42

The behavior is undefined from the language point of view. Consider that different platforms can have different constraints in memory alignment and endianness. The code in a big endian versus a little endian machine will update the values in the struct differently. Fixing the behavior in the language would require all implementations to use the same endianness (and memory alignment constraints...) limiting use.

If you are using C++ (you are using two tags) and you really care about portability, then you can just use the struct and provide a setter that takes the uint32_t and sets the fields appropriately through bitmask operations. The same can be done in C with a function.

Edit: I was expecting AProgrammer to write down an answer to vote and close this one. As some comments have pointed out, endianness is dealt in other parts of the standard by letting each implementation decide what to do, and alignment and padding can also be handled differently. Now, the strict aliasing rules that AProgrammer implicitly refers to are a important point here. The compiler is allowed to make assumptions on the modification (or lack of modification) of variables. In the case of the union, the compiler could reorder instructions and move the read of each color component over the write to the colour variable.

  • +1 for the clear and simple reply! I agree, for portability, the method you've given in the 2nd para holds good; but can I use the way I've put up in the question, if my code is tied down to a single architecture (paying the price of protability), since it saves 4 bytes for each pixel value and some time saved in running that function?
    – legends2k
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 11:39
  • 2
    @legends2k, the problem is that optimizer may assume that an uint32_t is not modified by writing to a uint8_t and so you get the wrong value when the optimized use that assumption... @Joe, the undefined behavior appears as soon as you access the pointer (I know, there are some exceptions). Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 13:31
  • 1
    @legends2k/AProgrammer: The result of a reinterpret_cast is implementation defined. Using the pointer returned does not result in undefined behaviour, only in implementation defined behaviour. In other words, the behaviour must be consistant and defined, but it isn't portable.
    – JoeG
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 16:46
  • 1
    @legends2k: any decent optimizer will recognize bitwise operations that select an entire byte and generate code to read/write the byte, same as the union but well-defined (and portable). e.g. uint8_t getRed() const { return colour & 0x000000FF; } void setRed(uint8_t r) { colour = (colour & ~0x000000FF) | r; }
    – Ben Voigt
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 22:13
  • 1
    @curiousguy: The Standard specifies that if sizeof (sometype) reports N, then converting a pointer to that type to char* and reading N values will yield some (not necessarily unique) sequence of unsigned char values. It also specifies that overwriting an object with such a sequence of char values will set its value to the value that would have yielded that sequence. The Standard could have specified that a union most behave as though it holds a sequence of unsigned char values, and the effects of reading and writing would be defined in terms of the effects on those values.
    – supercat
    Commented Jun 28, 2016 at 0:20

The most common use of union I regularly come across is aliasing.

Consider the following:

union Vector3f
  struct{ float x,y,z ; } ;
  float elts[3];

What does this do? It allows clean, neat access of a Vector3f vec;'s members by either name:

vec.x=vec.y=vec.z=1.f ;

or by integer access into the array

for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )

In some cases, accessing by name is the clearest thing you can do. In other cases, especially when the axis is chosen programmatically, the easier thing to do is to access the axis by numerical index - 0 for x, 1 for y, and 2 for z.

  • 4
    This is also called type-punning which is also mentioned in the question. Also the example in the question shows a similar example.
    – legends2k
    Commented Aug 11, 2013 at 22:56
  • 7
    It's not type punning. In my example the types match, so there is no "pun", it's merely aliasing.
    – bobobobo
    Commented Aug 11, 2013 at 23:51
  • 5
    Yes, but still, from an absolute viewpoint of the language standard, the member written to and read from are different, which is undefined as mentioned in the question.
    – legends2k
    Commented Aug 12, 2013 at 12:49
  • 7
    I would hope that a future standard would fix this particular case to be allowed under the "common initial subsequence" rule. However, arrays do not participate in that rule under the current wording.
    – Ben Voigt
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 2:11
  • 3
    @curiousguy: There is clearly no requirement that the structure members be placed without arbitrary padding. If code tests for structure-member placement or structure size, code should work if accesses are done directly through the union, but a strict reading of the Standard would indicate that taking the address of a union or struct member yields a pointer which cannot be used as a pointer of its own type, but must first be converted back to a pointer to the enclosing type or a character type. Any remotely-workable compiler will extend the language by making more things work than...
    – supercat
    Commented Jun 28, 2016 at 0:14

As you say, this is strictly undefined behaviour, though it will "work" on many platforms. The real reason for using unions is to create variant records.

union A {
   int i;
   double d;

A a[10];    // records in "a" can be either ints or doubles 
a[0].i = 42;
a[1].d = 1.23;

Of course, you also need some sort of discriminator to say what the variant actually contains. And note that in C++ unions are not much use because they can only contain POD types - effectively those without constructors and destructors.

  • Have you used it thus (like in the question)?? :)
    – legends2k
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 11:26
  • It's a bit pedantic, but I don't quite accept "variant records". That is, I'm sure they were in mind, but if they were a priority why not provide them? "Provide the building block because it might be useful to build other things as well" just seems intuitively more likely. Especially given at least one more application that was probably in mind - memory mapped I/O registers, where the input and output registers (while overlapped) are distinct entities with their own names, types etc.
    – user180247
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 11:45
  • @Stev314 If that was the use they had in mind, they could have made it not be undefined behaviour.
    – anon
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 11:49
  • @Neil: +1 for the first to say about the actual usage without hitting undefined behaviour. I guess they could have made it implementation defined like other type punning operations (reinterpret_cast, etc.). But like I asked, have you used it for type-punning?
    – legends2k
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 12:31
  • @Neil - the memory-mapped register example isn't undefined, the usual endian/etc aside and given a "volatile" flag. Writing to an address in this model doesn't reference the same register as reading the same address. Therefore there is no "what are you reading back" issue as you're not reading back - whatever output you wrote to that address, when you read you're just reading an independent input. The only issue is making sure you read the input side of the union and write the output side. Was common in embedded stuff - probably still is.
    – user180247
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 12:56

In C it was a nice way to implement something like an variant.

enum possibleTypes{

struct Value{

    union Value {
      int iVal_;
      double dval;
      char cVal;
    } value_;
    possibleTypes discriminator_;

  case eInt: val.value_.iVal_; break;

In times of litlle memory this structure is using less memory than a struct that has all the member.

By the way C provides

    typedef struct {
      unsigned int mantissa_low:32;      //mantissa
      unsigned int mantissa_high:20;
      unsigned int exponent:11;         //exponent
      unsigned int sign:1;
    } realVal;

to access bit values.

  • Although both your examples are perfectly defined in the standard; but, hey, using bit fields is sure shot unportable code, isn't it?
    – legends2k
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 12:28
  • 1
    No it isn't. As far as I know its widely supported.
    – Totonga
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 15:57
  • 1
    Compiler support doesn't translate into portable. The C Book: C (thereby C++) gives no guarantee of the ordering of fields within machine words, so if you do use them for the latter reason, you program will not only be non-portable, it will be compiler-dependent too.
    – legends2k
    Commented May 29, 2014 at 15:42

Although this is strictly undefined behaviour, in practice it will work with pretty much any compiler. It is such a widely used paradigm that any self-respecting compiler will need to do "the right thing" in cases such as this. It's certainly to be preferred over type-punning, which may well generate broken code with some compilers.

  • 2
    Isn't there an endian issue? A relatively easy fix compared with "undefined", but worth taking into account for some projects if so.
    – user180247
    Commented Feb 22, 2010 at 11:26

In C++, Boost Variant implement a safe version of the union, designed to prevent undefined behavior as much as possible.

Its performances are identical to the enum + union construct (stack allocated too etc) but it uses a template list of types instead of the enum :)


The behaviour may be undefined, but that just means there isn't a "standard". All decent compilers offer #pragmas to control packing and alignment, but may have different defaults. The defaults will also change depending on the optimisation settings used.

Also, unions are not just for saving space. They can help modern compilers with type punning. If you reinterpret_cast<> everything the compiler can't make assumptions about what you are doing. It may have to throw away what it knows about your type and start again (forcing a write back to memory, which is very inefficient these days compared to CPU clock speed).


Technically it's undefined, but in reality most (all?) compilers treat it exactly the same as using a reinterpret_cast from one type to the other, the result of which is implementation defined. I wouldn't lose sleep over your current code.

  • "a reinterpret_cast from one type to the other, the result of which is implementation defined." No, it is not. Implementations do not have to define it, and most do not define it. Also, what would be the allowed implementation defined behaviour of casting some random value to a pointer?
    – curiousguy
    Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 17:35

For one more example of the actual use of unions, the CORBA framework serializes objects using the tagged union approach. All user-defined classes are members of one (huge) union, and an integer identifier tells the demarshaller how to interpret the union.


Others have mentioned the architecture differences (little - big endian).

I read the problem that since the memory for the variables is shared, then by writing to one, the others change and, depending on their type, the value could be meaningless.

eg. union{ float f; int i; } x;

Writing to x.i would be meaningless if you then read from x.f - unless that is what you intended in order to look at the sign, exponent or mantissa components of the float.

I think there is also an issue of alignment: If some variables must be word aligned then you might not get the expected result.

eg. union{ char c[4]; int i; } x;

If, hypothetically, on some machine a char had to be word aligned then c[0] and c[1] would share storage with i but not c[2] and c[3].

  • A byte that has to be word aligned? That makes no sense. A byte has no alignment requirement, by definition.
    – curiousguy
    Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 17:54
  • Yes, I probably should have used a better example. Thanks. Commented May 11, 2012 at 11:28
  • @curiousguy: There are many cases where one may wish to have arrays of bytes be word-aligned. If one has many arrays of e.g. 1024 bytes and will frequently wish to copy one to another, having them word aligned may on many systems double the speed of a memcpy() from one to another. Some systems might speculatively align char[] allocations that occur outside of structures/unions for that and other reasons. In the extant example, the assumption that i will overlap all for elements of c[] is non-portable, but that's because there's no guarantee that sizeof(int)==4.
    – supercat
    Commented Mar 10, 2015 at 16:40

In the C language as it was documented in 1974, all structure members shared a common namespace, and the meaning of "ptr->member" was defined as adding the member's displacement to "ptr" and accessing the resulting address using the member's type. This design made it possible to use the same ptr with member names taken from different structure definitions but with the same offset; programmers used that ability for a variety of purposes.

When structure members were assigned their own namespaces, it became impossible to declare two structure members with the same displacement. Adding unions to the language made it possible to achieve the same semantics that had been available in earlier versions of the language (though the inability to have names exported to an enclosing context may have still necessitated using a find/replace to replace foo->member into foo->type1.member). What was important was not so much that the people who added unions have any particular target usage in mind, but rather that they provide a means by which programmers who had relied upon the earlier semantics, for whatever purpose, should still be able to achieve the same semantics even if they had to use a different syntax to do it.

  • Appreciate the history lesson, however with the standard defining such and such as undefined, which wasn't the case in the bygone C era where K&R book was the only "standard", one has to be sure in not using it for whatever purpose and enter the UB land.
    – legends2k
    Commented Sep 22, 2016 at 9:41
  • 2
    @legends2k: When the Standard was written, the majority of C implementations treated unions the same way, and such treatment was useful. A few, however, did not, and the authors of the Standard were loath to brand any existing implementations as "non-conforming". Instead, they figured that if implementers didn't need the Standard to tell them to do something (as evidenced by the fact that they were already doing it), leaving it unspecified or undefined would simply preserve the status quo. The notion that it should make things less defined than they were before the Standard was written...
    – supercat
    Commented Sep 22, 2016 at 14:28
  • 2
    ...seems a much more recent innovation. What's particularly sad about all of this is that if compiler writers targeting high-end applications were to figure out how to add useful optimization directives to the language most compilers implemented in the 1990s, rather than gutting features and guarantees that had been supported by "only" 90% of implementations, the result would be a language which could perform better and more reliably than hyper-modern C.
    – supercat
    Commented Sep 22, 2016 at 14:32

As others mentioned, unions combined with enumerations and wrapped into structs can be used to implement tagged unions. One practical use is to implement Rust's Result<T, E>, which is originally implemented using a pure enum (Rust can hold additional data in enumeration variants). Here is a C++ example:

template <typename T, typename E> struct Result {
    enum class Success : uint8_t { Ok, Err };
    Result(T val) {
        m_success = Success::Ok;
        m_value.ok = val;
    Result(E val) {
        m_success = Success::Err;
        m_value.err = val;
    inline bool operator==(const Result& other) {
        return other.m_success == this->m_success;
    inline bool operator!=(const Result& other) {
        return other.m_success != this->m_success;
    inline T expect(const char* errorMsg) {
        if (m_success == Success::Err) throw errorMsg;
        else return m_value.ok;
    inline bool is_ok() {
        return m_success == Success::Ok;
    inline bool is_err() {
        return m_success == Success::Err;
    inline const T* ok() {
        if (is_ok()) return m_value.ok;
        else return nullptr;
    inline const T* err() {
        if (is_err()) return m_value.err;
        else return nullptr;

    // Other methods from https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html

    Success m_success;
    union _val_t { T ok; E err; } m_value;

@bobobobo code is correct as @Joshua pointed out (sadly I'm not allowed to add comments, so doing it here, IMO bad decision to disallow it in first place):

https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/data_members#Standard_layout tells that it is fine to do so, at least since C++14

In a standard-layout union with an active member of non-union class type T1, it is permitted to read a non-static data member m of another union member of non-union class type T2 provided m is part of the common initial sequence of T1 and T2 (except that reading a volatile member through non-volatile glvalue is undefined).

since in the current case T1 and T2 donate the same type anyway.


You can use a a union for two main reasons:

  1. A handy way to access the same data in different ways, like in your example
  2. A way to save space when there are different data members of which only one can ever be 'active'

1 Is really more of a C-style hack to short-cut writing code on the basis you know how the target system's memory architecture works. As already said you can normally get away with it if you don't actually target lots of different platforms. I believe some compilers might let you use packing directives also (I know they do on structs)?

A good example of 2. can be found in the VARIANT type used extensively in COM.


In a recent C++ conference video, Bjarne Stroustrup answered a question about type punning with unions, saying that the contradiction between what C allows and what C++ allows is a real problem for C++ that must be resolved. (Link to come if I can find it again.)

Even though it's officially undefined behavior, the major C++ compilers will, in most cases, produce code that does what you'd expect because (1) they are expected to compile C code as well as C++, and (2) there's a lot of existing code that depends on it.

So, yeah, in C++ it's undefined behavior and you should use std::bit_cast or another approved method for type punning. That said, if you use a union, you're in very good company.

The accepted answer emphatically claims that the sole purpose union is to save memory. That's certainly the point of view of today's C++ standard, but I think it too readily dismisses the historical context.

  • When introducing unions in The C Programming Language, Kernighan and Ritchie say, "[Unions] are analogous to variant records in pascal." Niklaus Wirth's Pascal came out about two years before C, and Wirth illustrated how variant records work with an example of type punning.

  • In the second edition The C Programming Language, which was updated to reflect the ANSI-standardized version, K&R say, "It is the programmer's responsibility to keep track of which type is currently stored in a union; the results are implementation-dependent if something is stored as one type and extracted as another." Admittedly, the K&R books are not standards documents, but they are how many, many programmers learned the language.

  • K&R show how to use a union to ensure two types are treated with the same alignment requirements. Why would you need that? Type punning.

  • C has long been regarded as "portable assembly language" because it gives programmers almost as much control as an assembly programmer without tying them to a particular instruction set. At the CPU level, register values don't have types. When the type does matter, the instruction specifies whether to treat the register as a signed or unsigned integer, a bitmask, a pointer, etc. When programming close to the metal, it's natural to be able to treat a blob of bits as different types from instruction to instruction.

    C gives you some of the benefits of type checking without completely sacrificing the type fluidity of the fundamental types. (You can do bitwise operations in the same expression as arithmetic operations, cast pointers to integral types and back, perform pointer arithmetic, etc.). It's rather natural for programmers to expect to be able to treat a blob of bits as different types at different times, and a union is a natural fit for that.

  • Unions for type punning were common practice before Bjarne Stroustrup started working on Cfront.

  • C++ got itself into a quandary by trying to be compatible with C while simultaneously giving more guarantees about object lifetimes. (I think those were both well intended goals, but perhaps not realistic, although that was probably hard to anticipate.) Construction and destruction of individual members of a union is a hard problem. Every solution has to sacrifice something.

  • Meanwhile, things largely worked in C. Technically, you probably shouldn't read a union member that's not the active one, but if it worked with your implementation, it wasn't actually forbidden. And most implementations worked in most cases. The caveat about trap values came later, as hardware grew more sophisticated.

  • Only relatively recently did C++ provide std::variant, a discriminated union. (Before then, I guess we were all supposed to write our own.) If unions were always solely about saving memory, then shouldn't both languages have offered a discriminated union from the beginning and just done away with the other?

    Note that by putting a union with a tag in a struct, can, in some cases, nullify the memory saving value of using a union in the first place. Even if the tag is a small value, the overall alignment requirement of the union may require padding between the union and the tag.

Again, I don't disagree with the accepted answer. But the solely-to-save-memory claim ignores a bunch of history that got us to this point. Unions are still often used for type punning because there aren't a lot of better choices. So the compiler vendors keep this working because they have to, despite the fact that the standards have given them an out. (And because the compilers themselves depend on it.) I don't know how it will play out, but the standards are going to have to evolve to either find a way to bless the most common abuses or to provide a realistic alternative.

The main purpose of using "union" in C/C++ is to provide a datatype  that could store anything. 

union a {
 char a;
 int b;
float c;

std::variant<int ,char,float,double,long> v; // std::variant in c++17

for instance , union a would allow to store either of char, int , float.
An example could be container that contains hetergenous data types or when we want to handle different data types via single interface.

Modern C++ have options that are type safe std::variant in c++17. C++17 std::variant have more usage in scenarios where a data is coming from a source  and we donot know the type(it could be either listed in and then we have to take action on the types being recevied). Visitor pattern is one of the classical use case where std::variant is used and std::visit in c++17 can also be used.
  • This question already has thorough answers, this answer doesn't bring anything new and is vague in its wording.
    – qz-
    Commented Aug 30 at 22:34

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