I have this example in Python which demonstrates the use of condition variables.

import logging
import threading
import time

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s (%(threadName)-2s) %(message)s',)

def consumer(cond):

    # wait for the condition and use the resource

    logging.debug('Starting consumer thread')

    t = threading.currentThread()


    logging.debug('Resource is available to consumer')

def producer(cond):

    # set up the resource to be used by the consumer

    logging.debug('Starting producer thread')

    logging.debug('Making resource available')


condition = threading.Condition()

# pass each thread a 'condition'
c1 = threading.Thread(name='c1', target=consumer, args=(condition,))
c2 = threading.Thread(name='c2', target=consumer, args=(condition,))
p = threading.Thread(name='p', target=producer, args=(condition,))

# start two threads and put them into 'wait' state

# after two seconds or after some operation notify them to free or step over the wait() function

However, it raises a runtime error un-acquired lock on threads. I have an idea that I need to use acquire and release functions but I'm not sure about their usage and what exactly they do.

  • Where is the condition? When the consumer calls wait -- where is the thing it's waiting for? When the produces calls notify, where is the thing it's notifying people about? You can't use a condition variable unless you have a condition (called a "predicate"). Apr 16, 2014 at 18:17

1 Answer 1


Conditions are a wrapper around an underlying Lock that provide wait/notify functionality. You need to acquire a lock before you can release it - which wait does under the hood. Notably once it gets re-awoken, it reacquires the lock. Thus mutual exclusion is ensured between acquiring and releasing, with wait "yielding" control of the lock, if that makes sense.

Instead of doing the acquiring/releasing manually, just use the Condition as a context manager:

def consumer(cond):
    with cond:

    logging.debug('Resource is available to consumer')

If for whatever reason you're stuck on a version of python without context managers, this is equivalent to:

def consumer(cond):

    logging.debug('Resource is available to consumer')

Often you want to make sure that only one consumer gets awoken, so the following idiom is frequently used:

with cond:
    while some_queue.isEmpty():
    #get one from queue

Thus you could notify any number of consumers and the extra ones just go immediately back to sleep once the Queue is empty.

  • In Python 2.5 as there is not with statement, would I put acquire and release around the wait function?
    – cpx
    Apr 16, 2014 at 18:16
  • You need to wrap things with try/finally to get the same semantics as a context manager, see edit.
    – roippi
    Apr 16, 2014 at 18:18
  • What does this lock do and why do you need it?
    – cpx
    Apr 16, 2014 at 19:23
  • A Lock ensures that only one thread can enter a given code block at a given time - aka mutual exclusion. You "need" it only so far as that's how Condition works, I can't answer more than that. Maybe what you're trying to do doesn't actually need a condition, but I can't really tell you that.
    – roippi
    Apr 16, 2014 at 19:44
  • On that website they don't put the cond.acquire() into the try statement, and I would say they are right not do so : it makes it more understandable. When you don't know about it you are like "why would you have to put the acquire into the try statement?". And that is not a relevant question as you don't have to put it in there. By the way, the linked website helped me a lot in understanding threading in Python, hope it could help anyone else
    – DRz
    Aug 5, 2016 at 22:51

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