type person struct{}
var tom *person = &person{}

enter image description here

When I use

fmt.Printf("%+v\n", tom)//prints:&{}

Why the result is & plus data?It is surposed to be an address(0x0055)

When I use

fmt.Printf("%+v\n", &tom)//0x0038
fmt.Printf("%p\n", &tom)//0x0038

It gives me an address,it gives me 0x0038,why %v and %p has the same result?

1 Answer 1


tom is a pointer to a person. When you use &tom, you're a creating a second pointer, this a pointer to a pointer to a person.

In your first example, you're using %+v to print the default value of tom. The default value deferences the pointer and prints the struct itself.

In your second example, %+v is applying to the "double" pointer. It still deferences the pointer, getting to the initial pointer. See this example: http://play.golang.org/p/IZThhkiQXM


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