in my app, I want to load certain image user picks, make some modification, after that, save a copy in my own file format. Since I want to keep track of user modification, I decided to export my file as a package(bundle).

So, in my document class, there's a NSImage object that holds the image file. In the fileWrapperOfType:error: method, I've setup a NSFileWrapper object, and put the object in it. Here's the code:

NSDictionary *fileWrappers = [self.documentFileWrapper fileWrappers];
if (image != nil) {
    NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [image bitmapImageRepresentation];
    NSData *imageData = [imageRep representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType properties:nil];
    NSFileWrapper *imageFileWrapper = [[NSFileWrapper alloc]
    [imageFileWrapper setPreferredFilename:@"image"];

    [[self documentFileWrapper] addFileWrapper:imageFileWrapper];

return self.documentFileWrapper;

In my project plist file, I have two document types, first is the type of public.image since I need to load images in my app:

enter image description here

The other one is my own document type. To make the file a package, I've checked the bundle checkbox in xcode:

enter image description here

If I simply run this now, the code compains that finding extension from type identifier is deprecated, so, I managed to add an entry in Exported UTIs:

enter image description here

At this moment, everything seems working, except that the outputed folder with mdc extension, is indeed a folder instead of a package, what am I missing here? Thanks in advance!

2 Answers 2


Finally I solved the problem, the key here is to change Conforms To field to com.apple.package.

  • 1
    I have set "Comforms To" as com.apple.package, but it also outputed as a folder, not a package. I don't know why? I'm using Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7.3.
    – yangsibai
    Jul 5, 2016 at 16:33
  • After added an image document type like yours, it was working. I don't know why.
    – yangsibai
    Jul 5, 2016 at 16:52

In order for a package on OS X to be a pkg, it must have a .pkg extension. I hope it is as simple as having the wrong extension.

Note: Until recently, .pkg files were merely directories. Now, we often see package.pkg packages that are obscured cannot be browsed causually without some tricks like using Pacifist, pkgutil or xar:

pkgutil --extract file.pkg folder/


xar -xf file.pkg


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