The original xml file is encoded with UTF-8 without BOM

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I try to set text to title in this function:

Dim myXmlDocument As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Dim node As XmlNode
Dim s As String

s = "name.xml"
If System.IO.File.Exists(s) = False Then
    Return False
End If

node = myXmlDocument.DocumentElement

    For Each node In node.ChildNodes
        If node.Name = "title" Then
            node.FirstChild.InnerText = "text"
            Exit For
        End If

Catch e As Exception
        MsgBox("Error in XmlParsing: " + e.Message)
        Return False
End Try

Return True

The text is written correctly but the encoding changes to UTF-8 with BOM and also it
adds spaces:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ada /> <- here
    <file /> <- here
    <code /> <- here
    <parathrhseis /> <- here

How can i solve these problems

SOLUTION (with the help of Bradley Uffner)

Dim fileReader As String

    fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("original.xml")

    fileReader = fileReader.Replace("<ada />", "<ada/>")
    fileReader = fileReader.Replace("<file />", "<file/>")
    fileReader = fileReader.Replace("<code />", "<code/>")
    fileReader = fileReader.Replace("<parathrhseis />", "<parathrhseis/>")

    File.WriteAllText("copy.xml", fileReader) <- File.WriteAllText automatically stores it without the BOM
Catch ex As Exception
    MsgBox("Error: " + ex.Message)

End Try

1 Answer 1


This actually isn't a problem parsing the file, it's a problem saving it.

See this post for how to save xml without a BOM. XDocument: saving XML to file without BOM

The relevant code is:

Using writer = New XmlTextWriter(".\file.xml", New UTF8Encoding(False))
End Using

Typically you can control the formatting of the document via the .Settings property of the XmlTextWriter, but I don't see a property to control the spacing of self closing elements. You might have better luck post-processing the output before saving to the filesystem by saving it to a stream and manually removing any spaces before "/>".

  • That is what i am trying to do now. Remove the spaces manually. Using the XmlTextWriter solves the problem with encoding but it also changes the text UTF-8 to utf-8!! I have to change this also. Apr 21, 2014 at 16:59
  • Just out of curiosity, why are the formatting requirements so strict? Apr 21, 2014 at 17:28

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