We use Redmine extensively on our system. We have even set up a "Sales" project for our sales team to use as a CRM. We have a heap of custom fields in this project, and it replaces SugarCRM which we were using before.
Within our system, we have projects for Server and Client software. Server project is broken up into submodules, based on how I have structured the system and sub-repositories, since Redmine likes a seperate repo per project.
We use, as others note, #nnn codes in commit messages to reference tickets. What is cool is that it needn't be a ticket in the same project. Thus, a sales ticket can be blocked by a bug issue, or a support request.
We have just started using Documents for agenda/minutes of meetings. We use Versions to group into releases, on both client and server.
To try to use Redmine Time Tracker plugin to track time, but I always forget to click start or end. We get daily emails about issues that haven't been touched in a while (Redmine Whining, I think), and that have due dates in the past or near future (Advanced Reminder).
Support emails go directly into our Support project, and if the email importing was a bit more robust (sometimes it doesn't create new tickets properly if the Project: line is included in the email), we would have website inquiries automatically generate Sales tickets. As it is, we just have to monitor Support tickets, and move them to Sales if applicable.
Things I would like to be able to do:
- Have relationships between our system and redmine, so that tickets can be associated with a user or company in our system. Also, so that we can generate a new company from a Sales ticket at the relevant point. This just requires me to do some work.
- Have a relationship between our error tracking software (sentry) and redmine, so that server errors generate a redmine ticket. Again, solvable with current technology.
- Have a desktop client to redmine. The server is within our LAN, but being able to have a more flexible way to access the data other than the web page would be great. It's not that there is anything I can't really do in the redmine web interface, but something like Things.app is so much nicer to work in.
- Have our support documentation all within redmine, and then generated out onto a public-facing server. That way, our support staff can maintain the documentation, edit in a nice way, and deploy changes out to doc-server.