I'm trying to verify my camera calibration, so I'd like to rectify the calibration images. I expect that this will involve using a call to warpPerspective
but I do not see an obvious function that takes the camera matrix, and the rotation and translation vectors to generate the perspective matrix for this call.
Essentially I want to do the process described here (see especially the images towards the end) but starting with a known camera model and pose.
Is there a straightforward function call that takes the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters and computes the perspective matrix for use in warpPerspective
I'll be calling warpPerspective
after having called undistort
on the image.
In principle, I could derive the solution by solving the system of equations defined at the top of the opencv camera calibration documentation after specifying the constraint Z=0
, but I figure that there must be a canned routine that will allow me to orthorectify my test images.
In my seearches, I'm finding it hard to wade through all of the stereo calibration results -- I only have one camera, but want to rectify the image under the constraint that I'm only looking a a planar test pattern.
with 4 appropriate points. However it might be possible to derive the transformation directly from the camera calibration, I'll look into it.