Currently we are using Inno Setup as a bootstrapper to install the MSI prerequisites. It makes bit complex to maintain the setup. I found the Burn tool which may help us to resolve this issue by having a single setup to install whatever we need. I could not find either documentation or sample for this tool. Is anyone have idea about this? Or is there an alternative solutio?

I am looking for the alternative solution for the actions that we do with the ISS bootstrapper now:

  1. Extract the files (Main setup, Prerequisite setup)
  2. Need to ensure prerequisites status and install on demand.
  3. Start main install.

1 Answer 1


The Burn tool is still a bit raw to be used in production. Many people in the WiX community recommend dotNetInstaller.

  • Great. Thanks Yan for pointing out this. Will make of use it.
    – sankar
    Commented Feb 26, 2010 at 20:32
  • Well, if you build a Managed Bootstrapper, while taking advantage of Net Framework 4 + WPF, it can become really awesome.. Commented Jan 30, 2014 at 4:53

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