I think this needs benchmarking. Using OP's original DataFrame,
df = pd.DataFrame({
'state': ['CA', 'WA', 'CO', 'AZ'] * 3,
'office_id': list(range(1, 7)) * 2,
'sales': [np.random.randint(100000, 999999) for _ in range(12)]
NEW Pandas Tranform looks much faster.
df['sales'] / df.groupby('state')['sales'].transform('sum')
1.32 ms ± 352 µs per loop
(mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
As commented on his answer, Andy takes full advantage of vectorisation and pandas indexing.
c = df.groupby(['state', 'office_id'])['sales'].sum().rename("count")
c / c.groupby(level=0).sum()
3.42 ms ± 16.7 µs per loop
(mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
state_office = df.groupby(['state', 'office_id']).agg({'sales': 'sum'})
state = df.groupby(['state']).agg({'sales': 'sum'})
state_office.div(state, level='state') * 100
4.66 ms ± 24.4 µs per loop
(mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
This is the slowest answer as it calculates x.sum()
for each x
in level 0.
For me, this is still a useful answer, though not in its current form. For quick EDA on smaller datasets, apply
allows you use method chaining to write this in a single line. We therefore remove the need decide on a variable's name, which is actually very computationally expensive for your most valuable resource (your brain!!).
Here is the modification,
df.groupby(['state', 'office_id'])
.agg({'sales': 'sum'})
.apply(lambda x: 100 * x / float(x.sum()))
10.6 ms ± 81.5 µs per loop
(mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
So no one is going care about 6ms on a small dataset. However, this is 3x speed up and, on a larger dataset with high cardinality groupbys this is going to make a massive difference.
Adding to the above code, we make a DataFrame with shape (12,000,000, 3) with 14412 state categories and 600 office_ids,
import string
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
groups = [
''.join(i) for i in zip(
np.random.choice(np.array([i for i in string.ascii_lowercase]), 30000),
np.random.choice(np.array([i for i in string.ascii_lowercase]), 30000),
np.random.choice(np.array([i for i in string.ascii_lowercase]), 30000),
df = pd.DataFrame({'state': groups * 400,
'office_id': list(range(1, 601)) * 20000,
'sales': [np.random.randint(100000, 999999)
for _ in range(12)] * 1000000
Using Caner's,
0.791 s ± 19.4 ms per loop
(mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Using Andy's,
2 s ± 10.4 ms per loop
(mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
and exp1orer
19 s ± 77.1 ms per loop
(mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
So now we see x10 speed up on large, high cardinality datasets with Andy but a very impressive x20 speed up with Caner's.
Be sure to UV these three answers if you UV this one!!
Edit: added Caner benchmark
df['sales'] / df.groupby('state')['sales'].transform('sum')
seems to be the clearest answer.