I have a model and have a model manager for this model. I'm writing some sql in the model manager, and I need the table name of the model in sql. I know the name of table is combined by metadata app_label and db_name, but is it possible that I can access them from manager class? I know I can create an model instance in the manager, but I would rather not do that..

Thanks very much!

  • Only tangentially related to the original question (and the various methods in the answers), but if _meta.db_table is giving you a relation-does-not-exist error, you may have a mixed-case app or table name, and may need quotes around the table name. See stackoverflow.com/questions/55297807/… or Commented Nov 7, 2022 at 21:29

3 Answers 3


Model manager has the field model:

  • 10
    Why not just Model._meta.db_table ? Commented Feb 13, 2022 at 18:31
  • 1
    Pycharm annoying me because Access to a protected member _meta of a class
    – Fathy
    Commented Aug 13, 2023 at 18:57

For a given instance, you can use instance._meta.db_table but that also works for the model class too, so if you can step up from the manager to its model, that'll work too


Let's say you have a model named Service

You can use

Service._meta.db_table # this will work too

This as well

Service.objects.model._meta.db_table # this will work too

This as well
Let's say you had an instance of the service Model like this

service = Service.objects.get(pk=1)
# get table name like this
table_name = service._meta.db_table # this will work too

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