Excel VBA won't let you use global variables of arrays so I am trying to use a class to keep track of the variables I need. I am trying to create the variable in one sub and call it from another, but I don't know how to do it.
Sub Test3()
Dim mc As cVars
Set mc = New cVars
Dim ex() As Double
ReDim ex(1 To 5)
For i = 1 To 5
ex(i) = i
Next i
mc.Arr = ex
Call Test4
End Sub
Sub Test4()
Dim out() As Double
ReDim out(1 To 5)
out = mc.Arr
MsgBox (out(2))
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private pArr() As Double
Public Property Get Arr() As Double()
Arr = pArr()
End Property
Public Property Let Arr(p() As Double)
pArr = p()
End Property
The error comes in Test4() because there is no mc initiated, I tried initiating it but it then is not the same class (I believe)
variable that's an array ofDoubles
in one module and refer to it in another module.global string
array in my answer not five minutes ago... stackoverflow.com/questions/23419422/…