After reading through:
I still can't seem to figure out how to sort a column by a custom list. Obviously, the default sort is alphabetical. I'll give an example. Here is my (very abridged) dataframe:
Player Year Age Tm G
2967 Cedric Hunter 1991 27 CHH 6
5335 Maurice Baker 2004 25 VAN 7
13950 Ratko Varda 2001 22 TOT 60
6141 Ryan Bowen 2009 34 OKC 52
6169 Adrian Caldwell 1997 31 DAL 81
I want to be able to sort by Player, Year and then Tm. The default sort by Player and Year is fine for me, in normal order. However, I do not want Team sorted alphabetically b/c I want TOT always at the top.
Here is the list I created:
sorter = ['TOT', 'ATL', 'BOS', 'BRK', 'CHA', 'CHH', 'CHI', 'CLE', 'DAL', 'DEN',
'DET', 'GSW', 'HOU', 'IND', 'LAC', 'LAL', 'MEM', 'MIA', 'MIL',
'MIN', 'NJN', 'NOH', 'NOK', 'NOP', 'NYK', 'OKC', 'ORL', 'PHI',
'PHO', 'POR', 'SAC', 'SAS', 'SEA', 'TOR', 'UTA', 'VAN',
'WAS', 'WSB']
After reading through the link above, I thought this would work but it didn't:
df.sort(['Player', 'Year', 'Tm'], ascending = [True, True, sorter])
It still has ATL at the top, meaning that it sorted alphabetically and not according to my custom list. Any help would really be greatly appreciated, I just can't figure this out.
with the index of your team sorter?value_counts()