How can I remove text from between square brackets and the brackets themselves?

For example, I need:

hello [quote="im sneaky"] world

to become:

hello world

Here's what I'm trying to use, but it's not doing the trick:

preg_replace("/[\[(.)\]]/", '', $str);

I just ended up with:

hello quote="im sneaky" world

3 Answers 3


[ and ] are special characters in a regex. They are used to list characters of a match. [a-z] matches any lowercase letter between a and z. [03b] matches a "0", "3", or "b". To match the characters [ and ], you have to escape them with a preceding \.

Your code currently says "replace any character of [](). with an empty string" (reordered from the order in which you typed them for clarity).

Greedy match:

preg_replace('/\[.*\]/', '', $str); // Replace from one [ to the last ]

A greedy match could match multiple [s and ]s. That expression would take an example [of "sneaky"] text [with more "sneaky"] here and turn it into an example here.

Perl has a syntax for a non-greedy match (you most likely don't want to be greedy):

preg_replace('/\[.*?\]/', '', $str);

Non-greedy matches try to catch as few characters as possible. Using the same example: an example [of "sneaky"] text [with more "sneaky"] here becomes an example text here.

Only up to the first following ]:

preg_replace('/\[[^\]]*\]/', '', $str); // Find a [, look for non-] characters, and then a ]

This is more explicit, but harder to read. Using the same example text, you'd get the output of the non-greedy expression.

Note that none of these deal explicitly with white space. The spaces on either side of [ and ] will remain.

Also note that all of these can fail for malformed input. Multiple [s and ]s without matches could cause a surprising result.

  • Hmm, the malformed input is something I may run into. Is it possible to handle the instance of not having a matching ] ? Commented Mar 2, 2010 at 0:31
  • I'd have to know how you want it handled. What would you hope for it to do with malformed input? Commented Mar 2, 2010 at 16:57
  • As a side note, if you're implementing a custom markup language, there are some really good complete alternatives that are much easier to drop in than doing it on your own from scratch. Commented Mar 2, 2010 at 16:58
  • For C#, this worked for me: stackoverflow.com/a/44314170/3873799
    – alelom
    Commented Sep 30, 2021 at 9:45

Just in case you are looking for a recursive removal:

$str = preg_replace("/\[([^\[\]]++|(?R))*+\]/", "", $str);

That will convert this:

This [text [more text]] is cool

to this:

This is cool


I think you actually want parens for your outer brackets since it's a group. square brackets are a range of expressions. Not sure how to type it in SO.


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