When I try to run a script that contains the envsubst command, I get this error. Looking online, this seems to be a standard bash command, so I am not sure what to install in order to get it to work.


6 Answers 6

brew install gettext
brew link --force gettext 

This will enable envsubst on OS X, and force it to link properly. It requires homebrew to be installed.

  • 1
    Linking /usr/local/Cellar/gettext/ 194 symlinks created ... wtf 194 symlinks? Commented Jun 3, 2019 at 21:12
  • 1
    @AlexanderMills yeah gettext includes a hell of a lot of stuff; it seems like overkill just to get envsubst installed but it's the quickest and simplest way.
    – cobberboy
    Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 2:10
  • seems like they're symlinking every file instead of just symlinking a folder Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 3:31
  • 1
    @AlexanderMills Yes, this is how Homebrew works: it symlinks each executable into /usr/bin. There's not really a good way to symlink a single directory there and have each executable be available on the shell PATH.
    – Peeja
    Commented Jan 11, 2022 at 19:40

Edit: @cobberboy 's anwer is more correct. upvote him.

brew install gettext
brew link --force gettext 

Following is my old answer:

envsubst is included in gettext package.

Therefore you may compile it by your own, using standard build tools such as make or using homebrew.

However, it seems to have little issue when installing gettext in MacOS. See following url for details: How to install gettext on MacOS X

  • 8
    While envsubst is part of gettext (as installed by homebrew) it is not linked by default. I expect this is because gettext is a keg-only formula. You could tell homebrew to link the keg, but this might have unintended side-effects. A less intrusive approach is to setup an alias by adding alias envsubst='/usr/local/Cellar/gettext/0.19.6/bin/envsubst' to your .profile (or equivalent). Of course, you may have another version of gettext installed. You can learn about it by running brew info gettext.
    – trkoch
    Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 18:30
  • 2
    @trkoch You probably want to alias /usr/local/opt/gettext/bin/envsubst which survives upgrades Commented Dec 20, 2017 at 17:40
  • 1
    While this is the accepted answer, please scroll down to @cobberboy's answer, as it is also a common probably that you need to force the link.
    – Big Money
    Commented Jun 8, 2018 at 23:00
  • I wondered why I was suddenly getting more upvotes. Thanks for your generosity @ymonad
    – cobberboy
    Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 12:28
  • 1
    Linking /usr/local/Cellar/gettext/ 194 symlinks created ... wtf 194 symlinks? Commented Jun 3, 2019 at 21:12

To clear up potential confusion:

  • envsubst is an external executable and thus not part of Bash; external executables are platform-dependent, both in terms of which ones are available as well as their specific behavior and the specific options they support (though, hopefully, there is a common subset based on the POSIX specifications)
  • Commands directly built into bash are called builtins, and only they can be relied upon to be present on all platforms.

To test whether a given command is a builtin, use

type <cmdName>

In the case at hand, running type envsubst on macOS 10.13 returns -bash: type: envsubst: not found, from which you can infer:

  • envsubst is NOT a builtin
  • envsubst is not in your system's $PATH (and thus likely not present on your system)

(By contrast, running the same on command on, e.g., a Ubuntu 12.04 system returns envsubst is hashed (/usr/bin/envsubst), which tells you that the utility is present and where it is located.)

A makeshift alternative to envsubst is to use eval, although the usual caveat applies: use eval only on strings whose content you control or trust:

Assume a sample.txt file containing text with unexpanded variable references; e.g.:

cat > sample.txt <<'EOF'
Honey, I'm $USER
and I'm $HOME.

The equivalent of:

envsubst < sample.txt


eval "echo \"$(sed 's/"/\\"/g' sample.txt)\""

There is a crucial difference, however:

  • envsubst expands only environment variable references
  • whereas eval will expand shell variable references too - as well as embedded command substitutions, which is what makes use of eval a security concern.
  • I like the idea of eval echo because I trust the source but it's not the same.. envsubst < .env.example can not just be eval echo < .env.example
    – iRaS
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 9:53

I'm using this now in my bash script that requires envsubst:

if ! which envsubst > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    envsubst() {
        while read line; do
            line=$( echo $line | sed 's/"/\\"/g' )
            eval echo $line

you can use it as the envsubst command - of course it's not feature complete or something else:

envsubst <<<'Honey, I am $HOME.'
envsubst < input > output 2> corrupt
  • This seems to strip all leading and trailing whitespace
    – sudo
    Commented Jul 14, 2018 at 8:20
  • as said this is a workaround that is not feature complete. you could try adding " around $line but I did not try this yet
    – iRaS
    Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 6:08
  • This approach seems to handle whitespace properly and is faster: sed 's/"/\\"/g' | eval "echo \"$(cat -)\""
    – Evan Owen
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 18:46
  • @EvanOwen nice. does that replace the whole while loop? it looks like it... I would like to update the answer then.
    – iRaS
    Commented Dec 14, 2022 at 15:30

If you don't want to bother installing homebrew and gettext, a one line perl executable will do:

#!/usr/bin/perl -p
$_ =~ s/\Q${$1||$2}/$ENV{$1?$2:$4}/ while $_ =~ /(\$\{([^}]+)})|(\$(\w+))/g;

If you don't want to bother installing homebrew and gettext, and can't make heads or tails of perl, a simple python script also does the trick:

envsubst() {
  python -c 'import os,sys;[sys.stdout.write(os.path.expandvars(l)) for l in sys.stdin]'

The advantage of this over eval solutions is that it only handles variable replacement and won't execute arbitrary scripts like eval does.

$ cat > sample.txt <<'EOF'
Honey, I'm $USER
and I'm $HOME.
Danger: $( echo 'eval can do evil here, but python expandvars rocks' )

$ envsubst < sample.txt

Honey, I'm mattmc3
and I'm /Users/mattmc3.
Danger: $( echo 'eval can do evil here, but python expandvars rocks' )

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