I've tried everything I can think of to fix this issue, but I am totally stuck.
I have created a child theme, and installed it on Wordpress. I know that my style.css is working, because during some testing to see what the issue was, I was able to change the name of the child theme and have that show up on my site. I believe that the issue is with the @import, but can't figure out how to fix.
Here's what my css looks like:
Theme Name: Accio Child
Theme URI: http://jowerstraining.com
Description: Accio Child Theme
Template: accio
@import url('../accio/style.css');
@import url('../accio/css/animation.css');
@import url('../accio/css/custom1.css');
@import url('../accio/css/custom2.css');
The theme I'm using has several stylesheets, and that's where I think my problem is coming from. Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Building the site with MAMP so can't post link, sorry.