I need to do remote port forwarding that will listen instead of on the remote machine so that I can connect from outside internet to IP_OF_BBB:SOME_PORT in order to connect to SSH port of AAA.

I managed to make this happen by the following:

  1. AAA:~$ ssh -R 22:localhost:2222 user@BBB
  2. BBB:~$ ssh -L 2222:*:2223 user@localhost

Now I can connect to AAA with this command:

ssh user@BBB -p 2223

The local port forwarding is a workaround, of course. Is there any clearer way to do this?

5 Answers 5


Enable GatewayPorts in sshd_config (by default it is disabled). Enabling it will instruct sshd to allow remote port forwardings to bind to a non-loopback address. AskUbuntu has a similar question about Reverse Port Tunneling that goes into more details.

  • 1
    use @anton-bessonov's answer to avoid having to modify your sshd_config.
    – ZombieDev
    Commented Jun 15, 2020 at 15:27
  • 4
    @ZombieDev No, that answer is wrong for the given question. It' valid for local forwarding, not remote.
    – Dmitry
    Commented Apr 15, 2023 at 13:29
  • The option GatewayPorts is not supported in dropbear.
    – Thomson
    Commented Nov 2, 2023 at 22:02

As addition to the existing answer you can use ssh -o GatewayPorts=true -L 2222: user@localhost

  • 3
    The -o flag was not working for me. The question above worked.
    – camposer
    Commented Mar 22, 2021 at 10:13
  • 1
    Same for me, using the -o flag didn't work and the connection was still bound to localhost, enabling the GatewayPorts option in the config worked without any issues. Commented May 16, 2021 at 16:49
  • 10
    -o GatewayPorts=true seems not work with -R option (listen on remote)
    – yurenchen
    Commented Sep 18, 2021 at 18:20
  • Where are you supposed to run ssh -o GatewayPorts=true -L 2222: user@localhost? On the remote or the local machine?
    – sdbbs
    Commented Jan 3 at 15:47

Not a SSH way, but why not use a socat trick on your remote host?

# this clones localhost:3129 to
socat TCP-LISTEN:3130,fork,bind= TCP:localhost:3129

If you don't have socat yet simply install as:

apt update; apt install -y socat
  • Disadvantage (and possible root of conflictions): That way you are occupying 1 more port per application.
    – ceremcem
    Commented Jun 17, 2022 at 13:54
  • umm, yes. It's a workaround when the -o GatewayPorts=true on -R doesn't work. Commented Jun 17, 2022 at 16:36
  • 1. no root permissions 2. local address not accessible from server due to NAT etc Commented Aug 7, 2023 at 11:38

I have the same problem and could solve it by enabling GatewayPorts in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

GatewayPorts yes

and don't forget to restart ssh service systemctl reload ssh , then ssh using the -R parameter

ssh -R 777:localhost:7777 root@hostname

BBB :ssh command should be:

BBB:~$ ssh -L 2223:*:2222 user@localhost

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