Where would I go about placing partial files shared by more than one model? I have a page called crop.html.erb that is used for one model - Photo. Now I would like to use it for another model called User as well.

I could copy and paste the code but that's not very DRY, so I figured I would move it into a partial.

Since it's shared between two models - where would I place that partial?


7 Answers 7


The Rails convention is to put shared partials in /app/views/shared.



Layout inheritance is now in the guides under layout and rendering Template inheritance works similarly.

Rails 3.1 and following versions implement template inheritance, so I think the correct place for shared partials is now /app/views/application/, say you are in products#index you can do the following:

-# products#index
= render @products.presence || 'empty'

-# /app/views/application/_empty.html.haml
There are no items

btw it's application because the connection is the controller inheritance, so this assumes ProductsController < ApplicationController

This way if you implement /app/views/products/_empty.html.haml that will be taken, the above is a fallback for all the missing partials, and I can't check right now, but I think even for the template itself...

Railscast: template inheritance!

  • 2
    I've been looking for this solution for a while now. Can't believe the guide nor any other online tutorials neglect to mention this. Commented Dec 14, 2013 at 11:11
  • 1
    I've sent a pr to the guides doc about this, hopefully it'll get some attention sooner or later github.com/rails/rails/pull/16738
    – ecoologic
    Commented Nov 11, 2014 at 0:13
  • 1
    dhh wrote: It's [app/views/application] a side-effect from this reasonable case: EmployeesController < PeopleController, which will look first for employees/show, then fall back to look for people/show. It was never intended to fall all the way back to look for application/show. That's an unintended side-effect. github.com/rails/rails/pull/9911#issuecomment-15462128
    – notapatch
    Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 16:50
  • Interesting. I like app/views/application: it's very consistent, I doubt they'll remove it now.
    – ecoologic
    Commented Sep 12, 2019 at 1:54


Rails 3.1, Rails 4, Rails 5 and whatever comes next


The engine searches this path automatically if the view is not found in the controller path.

Rails 3 and prior


The engine does NOT search this path automatically.

Long story

Rails 3 (and prior version) have no default location for storing shared views.

The unofficial convention is to store shared views in app/views/shared. Wherever you'd end up storing them though, you have to specify the path

# render app/views/shared/menu.html.erb
<%= render :partial => "shared/menu" %> 

This suggestion was popularized by Agile Web Development with Rails.

Rails 3.1 introduces an official standard for where to store shared views:

Thanks to this standard, the engine now automatically looks for templates in app/views/application. As a result, you don't have to use the full path anymore.

Those curious can follow here the thought process behind this decision.

Old syntax

# render app/views/application/menu.html.erb
# unless menu.html.erb is found in appp/views/my_controller
<%= render :partial => "menu" %> 

New syntax

# render app/views/application/menu.html.erb
# unless menu.html.erb is found in appp/views/my_controller
<%= render partial: "menu" %> 

Of course, you can still place your shared views wherever you want and reference them by path

<%= render :partial => "my_own_special_shared_folder/menu" %>

Unless you have a very good reason to do this though, please stick to the new standard and store your shared views in app/views/application.


The Rails View uses app/views/layouts for shared partials like header and footer, but the Ruby on Rails Guide uses app/views/shared in an example. I guess it comes down to personal preference. I would use layouts for high-level stuff like a main nav or a footer, but shared for more narrow controller-level stuff like a form.


I general have a shared folder in my views that contains commonly used partials.


I arrived here in 2021 (rails 6) and got confused by the answers (many different ways).

I asked some senior rails developers what they'd do and they also gave me 2 different answers.


Create a folder called 'shared' or 'application' inside your views folder (e.g. app/views/shared or app/views/application.

Then simply move the partial there, and access it with either

<%= render partial: 'shared/socials' %>

# or

<%= render partial: 'application/socials' %>

or even simpler

<%= render 'shared/socials' %>

# or

<%= render 'application/socials' %>

It doesn't matter where you put them. You can render any partial at any arbitrary location by providing the file's path to render - it doesn't need to be associated with the controller that's rendering it. I use a directory simply called partials under the view directory, and call partials in it like this:

render :partial => 'partials/mypartial'
  • 2
    oh I'm well aware. I was interested in the best practice. Thanks, though! Commented Mar 5, 2010 at 9:38
  • 1
    what is the difference between render 'partials/mypartial' and render partial: 'partials/mypartial ?
    – Arnold Roa
    Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 13:30

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