I need to filter my raster image by a fixed threshold. So I use ILogicalOp functions. Whenever I use them, an output file will be saved on workspace, which is unwanted due to my large database. The saving happens exactly after rasOut[i] = RMath.LessThan(inputRas[i], cons01)
. How can I prevent this? Or how to get saved file name and delete it? Any comments would be Appreciated?
private IGeoDataset[] CalcColdThreshold(IGeoDataset[] inputRas)
IGeoDataset[] rasOut = new IGeoDataset[inputRas.Length];
IGeoDataset emptyRas=null;
ILogicalOp RMath;
RMath = new RasterMathOpsClass();
IRasterAnalysisEnvironment env;
env = (IRasterAnalysisEnvironment)RMath;
IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new RasterWorkspaceFactoryClass();
IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(workSpace_save.Text), 0);
env.OutWorkspace = workspace;
IRasterMakerOp Rmaker = new RasterMakerOpClass();
IGeoDataset cons01;
Threshold_value = 15000;
cons01 = Rmaker.MakeConstant(Threshold_value, false);
for (int i = 0; i < inputRas.Length; i++)
rasOut[i] = RMath.LessThan(inputRas[i], cons01);
return rasOut;
to a temporary location for the intermediate steps of the process and then delete the workspace once you're done.workspace
variable using.OpenFromFile
, try creating a scratch workspace instead? It seems to be exactly what you're looking for.