In VS2010 we used to have a Testlist option to group test cases. And I can ran those easily through command-line using MSTest /testlist option. Now I'm using VS 2013 and we have option of Playlist to group test. But I don't see this playlist option in MSTest command-line.

Do we have any workaround? I have to run the tests from command line from a Jenkins job.

1 Answer 1


You could use Test Categories to group your unit tests. You could then use either vstest.console.exe with the parameter /TestCaseFilter:"TestCategory=MyCategoryForJenkins" or MSTest with the parameters /testcontainer:MyTests.dll /category:"MyCategoryForJenkins".

  • I know it's an old question, but I stumbled across it and felt that the answer was still relevant for Jenkins set-ups today.
    – Jon
    Commented Mar 9, 2016 at 18:25

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