I am tooling the following rake file:

namespace :build do
  desc 'Build development application to the build dist directory'
    task :default do

    task :development do
        verbose(false) do
            puts "=> Building the frontend test build version of application!"

    desc 'Build production application to the build dist directory minified with no tests'
    task :production do
        verbose(false) do
            puts "=> Building the frontend production version of application!"


which has 2 simple tasks. Yes, I took them out during development for this ?. What I am trying to achieve is running that Rake::Task[:delete].invoke every time either the sub :development or :production tasks are invoked.

Also, I am not interested in setting up an :all either.

Thank you for your help :)

2 Answers 2


You could express the dependencies directly on the depending tasks, like

namespace :build do
  task :development => :delete do
    puts "development!"
  task :production => :delete do
    puts "production!"

task :delete do
  puts "delete!"
  • I was toying with that, but what if you wanted to run that task prior or before the others fired? May 31, 2014 at 7:30
  • 1
    In my example, :delete would get run before :development or :production (whichever you invoked).(I left out default -- if you wanted "rake build" to, say, default to doing :development [with :delete first!], you could add "task :default => :development" inside the namespace block. May 31, 2014 at 7:34
  • ok, I like this approach must better. Just one last trick, I need. How would you add a task that would run after? So the delete would fire first as you have shown, than it would run it's task, followed up by a shared post task running after? May 31, 2014 at 7:40
  • Spoke too soon about that default thing. If you wanted to pretend there was a default task in the build namespace (to be invoked by "rake build", you'd actually add a :build task outside the :build namespace. May 31, 2014 at 7:41
  • True. I am also thinking to add follow up tasks, is it a best practice to just toss in another invoke or dry it up with a method? May 31, 2014 at 7:45

Using the rake-hooks project I was able to adjust this as follows:

namespace :build do
    desc 'Build development application to the build dist directory'
    task :development do
        verbose(false) do
            puts "=> Building the frontend test build version of application!"

    desc 'Build production application to the build dist directory minified with no tests'
    task :production do
        verbose(false) do
            puts "=> Building the frontend production version of application!"


before "build:development", "build:production" do

also make sure to have require 'rake/hooks' at the top of your rake file.

  • Yep, commenting on my own post, if you use this approach please note that gym is rather outdated. May 31, 2014 at 7:41

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