I have been mass following / unfollowing / favoriting / unfavoriting on twitter with these codes ;
I found some not-working codes online and tried to fix, so they are nearly working now. The only thing is to go to the page on google chrome, press f12 , open console and run the command.
So now, I wanted to use the same system in Vine. There"s an extension for google chrome to use vine ( https://client.vineclient.com/ ) and I am trying to use it because original webpage ( vine.co ) is not even useful.
The only difference between twitter and this, is that, in vine client for ^followers^ section, an pop-up comes in the page. And I don!t know if it detects the buttons.
So , the code of the button I am trying to click from original page , ( I took it using developer tools / elements )
<div class="user">
<img alt="Tuğçe Nur TEKİN" class="avatar" src="http://v.cdn.vine.co/r/avatars/3C2E4F40F11066473630650847232_pic-r-1397241239141e51579937f.jpg.jpg?versionId=ttIz4CExCjW_4TEnxYbnehPPpXRyzMco">
<div class="wrapper">
<a class="username"
Tuğçe Nur TEKİN
<a class="button follow" data-id="1066473613911363584">
<i class="icon">
The thing to click is here :
When I manually click, it changes into this :
<a class="button unfollow" data-id="1066473613911363584"><i class="icon"></i></a>
And the command I use to try to click
The error I get,
TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of null
How can I fix that? By the way, in these codes, I couldn"t find actually any ^button^ codes.. Thanks!
- http ://prntscr. com/3pmo2i
- http ://prntscr. com/3pmoyk
- http ://prntscr. com/3pmpym
What isa
, but jQuery doesn't returnnull
, nor does it produce a TypeError if the element is not found. It seems the error message you're getting would be impossible from that piece of code as long as jQuery is included and working.$
isn't referring to jQuery