Hi i am creating a website while placing brand logo inside link tag at top right of web page i encountered this problem

       <a href="#" >
          <img src='img.png'>


       img {
           height: 50px;
           width: 50px;

The result is a tag the wrapping image height is actually more than 50px even though there is no text in a tag . But when i give font-size:0 it Works .

So I need the reason what causes the link tag to take more height.

Please help me understand this concepts rather than just with some css codes

I have sample its . please help me with this .


Ok Sorry i got the answer from the link .

White space at bottom of anchor tag

Thank you


1 Answer 1


Change the imgs display to block

a {
a img {

See this jsfiddle

So what does it do? The image inside the link has a default display of inline-block. The a you set to display:inline-block. It's the combination of the two in combination with whitespace inside the a element, that does the problem.

You can simulate with two nested inline-block divs which has the dimensions set only on the inner one. http://jsfiddle.net/TLBEx/4/

  • It works even i give font-size:0 but i need concept going on it
    – Amerrnath
    Jun 6, 2014 at 12:48

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