The problem I had with the solution to catch PDO exemptions for debuging purposes is that it only caught PDO exemptions (duh), but didn't catch syntax errors which were registered as php errors (I'm not sure why this is, but "why" is irrelevant to the solution). All my PDO calls come from a single table model class that I extended for all my interactions with all tables... this complicated things when I was trying to debug code, because the error would register the line of php code where my execute call was called, but didn't tell me where the call was, actually, being made from. I used the following code to solve this problem:
* Executes a line of sql with PDO.
* @param string $sql
* @param array $params
class TableModel{
var $_db; //PDO connection
var $_query; //PDO query
function execute($sql, $params) {
//we're saving this as a global, so it's available to the error handler
global $_tm;
//setting these so they're available to the error handler as well
$this->_sql = $sql;
$this->_paramArray = $params;
$this->_db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
$this->_query = $this->_db->prepare($sql);
try {
//set a custom error handler for pdo to catch any php errors
//save the table model object to make it available to the pdoErrorHandler
$_tm = $this;
//now we restore the normal error handler
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return false;
So, the above code catches BOTH PDO exceptions AND php syntax errors and treats them the same way. My error handler looks something like this:
function pdoErrorHandler() {
//get all the stuff that we set in the table model
global $_tm;
$sql = $_tm->_sql;
$params = $_tm->_params;
$query = $tm->_query;
$message = 'PDO error: ' . $sql . ' (' . implode(', ', $params) . ") \n";
//get trace info, so we can know where the sql call originated from
debug_backtrace(); //I have a custom method here that parses debug backtrace, but this will work as well
$trace = ob_get_clean();
//log the error in a civilized manner
//print error to screen based on your environment, logged in credentials, etc.
If anyone has any better ideas on how to get relevant info to my error handler than setting the table model as a global variable, I would be happy to hear it and edit my code.
. PDO bound parameters cannot cause syntax errors so all you need is the prepared SQL query.var_dump($pdo_instance->debugDumpParams())