Is there a way to detect if the device I'm currently running on has a hardware keyboard installed?

How do I query device capabilities anyway?

3 Answers 3


[android-developers] Re: Detect Physical Keyboard Layout (ex: QWERTY vs QWERTZ)

The flags provided by getResources().getConfiguration().keyboard are a good way of checking which keyboard (if any) is available.

  • 22
    Basically that means: private boolean isHardwareKeyboardAvailable() { return getResources().getConfiguration().keyboard != Configuration.KEYBOARD_NOKEYS; }
    – Marcus
    Commented Mar 10, 2010 at 10:47
  • 4
    Yes, if for your purposes you are counting a "12-key keyboard" as a "hardware keyboard". Commented Mar 10, 2010 at 10:56
  • 4
    Note it will detect a keyboard that is an integral part of the device, but it will not detect if a USB or Bluetooth keyboard is currently attached. See stackoverflow.com/q/12161989/11683 for that.
    – GSerg
    Commented Jun 13, 2017 at 8:25

To detect common qwerty keyboard connected use this:

private boolean isKeyboardConnected() {
    return getResources().getConfiguration().keyboard == KEYBOARD_QWERTY;
  • For those wondering, it's Configuration.KEYBOARD_QWERTY Commented Jan 22 at 11:51

Use the following method to ascertain presence of hard keyboard at any time:
(To my knowledge, soft keyboards all lack the features tested below )

public static boolean isHardKB(Context ctx) {
    Configuration cf = ctx.getResources().getConfiguration();
    return cf.navigation==Configuration.NAVIGATION_DPAD
        || cf.navigation==Configuration.NAVIGATION_TRACKBALL
        || cf.navigation==Configuration.NAVIGATION_WHEEL;

Optionally trap all run-time keyboard changes for each affected Activity via AndroidManifest:


But be sure to support the above manifest change with (at least) a dummy onConfigurationChanged()

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
    // Optionally employ 'isHardKB()'   
  • What I can see cf.navigation relates to the virtual keyboard and not the physical keyboard, when I try a physical BT-keybord with keypad? But it can be a keyboard driver mistake? (The HAXM emulators says no keypad but keypad input works?) SO far I can only see as the article HostileForks answer relates to that Config.hardKeyboardHidden == Configuration.HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO detects if HW keyboard is present. Commented Nov 23, 2018 at 7:11

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