I have quite a few activities in my android app and need to implement an ActionBar with a SearchView.

I initially just added the following lines to my SearchActivity:

 <activity android:name=".activity.SearchActivity" android:launchMode="singleTop">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEARCH" />
        <meta-data android:name="android.app.searchable" android:resource="@xml/searchable"/>

However, searchManager.getSearchableInfo(getComponentName()); returned null in onCreateOptionsMenu when invoked from AnotherActivity1.

So I also added the intent-filter and android.app.searchable meta-data to AnotherActivity1 and that works for the AnotherActivity1 SearchView.

But I have many such activities - am I supposed to just copy-paste this XML snippet for all of them or is there some more elegant solution I'm missing?

1 Answer 1


Hmm, I think I figured it out myself.


searchManager.getSearchableInfo(new ComponentName(this, SearchActivity.class));

instead of


Then I have to apply the intent-filter and meta-data only to SearchActivity.

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