I need to get handlebars templates in Javascript. So I create template file in tpl folder and wrote such line in ML:

<resource type="download" name="tpl/" location="/tpl"/>

if I put some image to this folder I can to get it from CSS:

background: url(tpl/image.png);

if I want to get this image from js AJS.$("css").css("background", "url(tpl/image.png)") I have the error - file not found;

image file is for example.. In real I need to get template

                    url: "tpl/backlog_coll.handlebars",
                    cache: true,
                    success: function(data) {
                        source    = data;
                        template  = Handlebars.compile(source);

1 Answer 1


Here's how I would do that

I will write a function in a generally accessible js file (lets call it Global.js for now) as shown below


function fnGetTemplate(strName) {
if (Handlebars.templates === undefined || Handlebars.templates[strName] === undefined) {
   url : "tpl" + strName + ".handlebars",
   success : function(data) {
       if (Handlebars.templates === undefined) {
           Handlebars.templates = {};
       Handlebars.templates[strName] = Handlebars.compile(data);
   async : false
return Handlebars.templates[strName];

This is assuming I have the handlebars js library (something like handlebars-v1.3.0.js) referred to appropriately.

Then inside the View where I need the template to show up, I would declare the template as shown below

template: fnGetTemplate("backlog_coll");

Inside the render function of my view I would call this template supplying the needed data as show below

render: function() {

Hope this helps

  • This method do not found templates too. it should be like /jira/s/ru_RU-g6ghuq/773/3/1.0-SNAPSHOT/_/download/resources/com.swan.agile.swan-agile:swan-agile-scrumboard/tpl/" + strName + ".handlebars
    – waldemar
    Jun 20, 2014 at 16:54
  • Actually in the example I hardcoded the path as "tpl" just for ease of explanation. In reality, you should take it out as a variable value so that you can dynamically populate the path of that template, as shown below function fnGetTemplate(strPath, strName) { if (Handlebars.templates === undefined || Handlebars.templates[strName] === undefined) { $.ajax({ url : strPath + strName + ".handlebars", and call it as template: fnGetTemplate(strPath, strName);
    – eshcol
    Jun 21, 2014 at 13:58

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