As part of our build the code is minimised I'm currently debugging some js and constantly have to click the pretty print button in chrome dev tools. Is there a way to permanently enable pretty printing in chrome dev tools ?
2 Answers
This has become available:
In Dev Tools: ⋮
> Settings
(F1) > Experiments
> Automatically pretty print in the Sources Panel
@T.Todua is correct - In Chrome 95, I was able to find the option in Dev Tools > Settings > Experiments > Automatically Pretty print.. without the need to enable any flag. Commented Nov 1, 2021 at 14:46
2Now we need also another option for automatically prettifying json data such as the ones in the Response sub-tab of the Network tab.– aderchoxCommented Apr 24, 2022 at 8:22
No it is not possible yet. The way that I do is that I manage it through the build process to not minify the CSS and JS.