I want to be able to have two Haml elements on the same line. For example:

%h1 %a{:href => '/'} Professio.

That doesn't work. How would I get something like this to work without borking?

4 Answers 4


Late answer, but I was just tackling the same problem myself and knew HAML had a way to do this as part of the language. See the White Space Removal section of the HAML reference.

You could do it this way:

  %a{ :href => '/' } Professio.

Or this way:

  %a{ :href => '/' }> Professio.

Unfortunately, you cannot put two haml elements on the same line.

You can achieve something similar by using inline html elements:

%h1 <a href='/'>Lorem ipsum</a>

Why don't you like this format?

  %a{:href => '/'} Professio.

Another option is to write special 'helper' method (that generate an html link). For example, the link_to in Rails:

%h1= link_to 'Professio', root_url
  • I would like it on the same line because I want the output HTML to be on the same line. I'll just do multiple lines, thanks. Mar 13, 2010 at 14:34
  • 1
    Check Garvin answer bellow, he got late but seems to be the right one for this question.
    – fotanus
    Jun 20, 2012 at 21:50

Haml cannot do this. Slim can:

h1: a( href='/' ) Professio.

is the same as:

  a( href="/ ) Professio

You can write as deeper tree as you need:

  li.active: a( href="/home" ):    strong Home
  li:        a( href="/contact" ): span   Contact

Jade also has similar syntax and support this feature, but it's been designed for Node.js environment.

  • Thanks for pointing out Slim, it seems like a nice alternative to HAML! Jun 29, 2015 at 15:00

If you're looking to preserve the HTML on the same line you could try something like this:

irb> print Haml::Engine.new("%h1<\n  %a{:href => '/'} Profession.").render()
<h1><b href='/'>Profession.</a></h1>

Found here: HAML whitespace removal

[Edit: I know that's says b href above...]

  • I posted my answer after I realized your answer was essentially the same. I didn't realize it was the same at first because the code sample is kind of obfuscated.
    – Jim Garvin
    Apr 20, 2011 at 17:16

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