I'd like to get a better idea of what domains my customers are using. I could easily do this in PHP by explodeing each address and counting the domain that way. But I'm wondering if there's a way to get this information with just a plain MySQL query?

This is what sample output would look like:

gmail.com | 3942

yahoo.com | 3852

hotmail.com | 209

... and so on, where the first column is the email addresses domain, and the 2nd column is the number of addresses at that domain.

7 Answers 7


You would have to do something like this:

SELECT substring_index(email, '@', -1) domain, COUNT(*) email_count
FROM table
GROUP BY substring_index(email, '@', -1)

-- If you want to sort as well:
ORDER BY email_count DESC, domain;

Adding ORDER BY to WoLpH's answer makes the output more clear:

SELECT substring_index(email, '@', -1), COUNT(*) AS MyCount
FROM `database`.`table`
GROUP BY substring_index(email, '@', -1)
  • 1
    Did you miss WoLpH's answer? The same was suggested two years ago ;-)
    – Leigh
    Commented Jun 15, 2012 at 9:17
  • Yes. I added ORDER BY MyCount DESC; I would have loved to add it to his as a commment but do not yet have 50 reputation... I obviously could have made this more clear in my answer.
    – Brad
    Commented Nov 27, 2012 at 22:23
  • Yeah, an explanation might help stave off down votes. Btw, I did not down vote your response since it was valid. I do wish they would relax the whole 50 point restriction thing .. since it frequently produces the opposite of the desired effect. A lot of people do exactly what you did. ie post answers because they cannot comment yet. Catch 22.
    – Leigh
    Commented Nov 27, 2012 at 22:48
select distinct SUBSTRING(Email, CHARINDEX('@', Email) + 1,LEN(Email) - CHARINDEX ('@', Email)), Count(*) from Tbl_name
Group by SUBSTRING(Email, CHARINDEX('@', Email) + 1,LEN(Email) - CHARINDEX ('@', Email))
order by Count(*) desc

Small tweak to Wolph's original above to shorten a bit and add nice column name and limit results in case list is long. Adjust limit to your own liking

select substring_index(email, '@', -1) AS domain, count(*) from TABLE group by domain order by count(*) DESC limit 40;

You can use this query to get Unique count of domain from table.

SELECT substr(email,INSTR(email,"@")+1),count(substr(email,INSTR(email,"@"))) from YOUR_TABLE group by substr(email,INSTR(email,"@"));
    substring_index(email_address, '@', -1) AS Domain 
   ,COUNT(*) AS MyCount
    substring_index(email_address, '@', -1)
    MyCount DESC

How about something like

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [what you want])
FROM MyTable

COUNT(DISTINCT expr,[expr...])

  • i'm not sure what the expression would be to separate the parts of the email address into user and domain portions.
    – Ian
    Commented Mar 13, 2010 at 23:20

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