Fresh install on a Xubuntu desktop VM, fully updated, running ember new gets me this:

jrusso@ember:~$ ember new jossdo
version: 0.0.37
  create .bowerrc
  create .jshintrc
  create Brocfile.js
  create tests/test-helper.js
  create tests/unit/.gitkeep
  create vendor/.gitkeep
Installing packages for tooling via npm...
npm ERR! registry error parsing json
      throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
Error: ENOENT, lstat '/home/jrusso/jossdo/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/leek/node_modules/request/node_modules/form-data/node_modules/async/lib/async.js'
    at Error (native)

Here are versions of the software I'm using

jrusso@ember:~/jossdo$ git --version
git version 1.9.1
jrusso@ember:~/jossdo$ bower --version
jrusso@ember:~/jossdo$ nvm --version
jrusso@ember:~/jossdo$ npm --version
jrusso@ember:~/jossdo$ node --version
jrusso@ember:~/jossdo$ phantomjs --version
jrusso@ember:~/jossdo$ uname -a
Linux ember 3.13.0-30-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 9 22:45:01 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Tried npm cache clear in home prior to ember new and got the same result. I had 0.0.35 working but I wanted to do a clean install of 0.0.37 so I cloned my virtualbox snapshot prior to installing any node software, followed the ember-cli gh-pages install procedure and this is what I got. Relatively new to ember.js, node and linux webdev so please go easy on me.


Not sure what the issue is here, but after trying a few subsequent ember new commands, it does seem to be working. My first subsequent run completed npm installs and bower installs though it had a few messages for me:

npm ERR! registry error parsing json
npm ERR! registry error parsing json
make: Entering directory `/home/jrusso/testrun/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/testem/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/node_modules/ws/build'
  CXX(target) Release/obj.target/bufferutil/src/bufferutil.o
make: Leaving directory `/home/jrusso/testrun/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/testem/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/node_modules/ws/build'

Didn't run ember serve on that, but I rm -rf testrun and then ran ember new testrun again and this time I didn't get the npm ERR! messages but I still got the make messages.

Removed it again and tried ember new testrun --verbose and it appears that the NPM errors are sporadic and non-descriptive (the message doesn't contain any indication of which package.json it's unable to parse). I'll continue to update if I have any more issues with this.

1 Answer 1



Just finished resolving the same issue.

Luckily I saw "you have not agreed to the Xcode license agreements...".


sudo xcodebuild -license

Drop the sudo for user-level only.

I'd also updated npm.

Furthermore, I grabbed the latest Xcode command line tools.

Ran the command again for ember-cli global install. This time no issues. Tested to create a new site - all good.

Stef has some further tips for updating an ember-cli project here.

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