A ListView in Xamarin.Forms has two events, which seem to be exactly the same: ItemTapped and ItemSelected

There isn't really any documentation about these, so what exactly is the difference?

5 Answers 5


ItemSelected is a state while ItemTapped is a motion event. All views can be tapped and if I remember correctly all views can be selected (or at least activated there is a subtle difference), the two don't have to go together but they usually do.

For example you'd have an item's selected state toggled each time a tapped motion event has occurred. Once again just to make it more clear you can associate the changes of the selected state to whatever you need whether it's a motion event like tapping or long pressing or double tapping and so on or to some other event or logic.

Hope it helps and good luck!

  • 1
    How can you implement a long press in a list view with xamarin.forms? Commented Jul 2, 2014 at 17:06

ItemTapped should occur every time you click on an item, while ItemSelected every time the selected item has changed.


  • tapping two times the same item should fire two times ItemTapped, and only once ItemSelected
  • tapping two times, on different items, should fire ItemTapped two times, and ItemSelected two times
  • Weird, ItemSelected is fired twice in the first case for me.
    – prompteus
    Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 9:19
  • The implementation may change of course with different versions, and platforms. I remember also a 1.x not always firing ItemTapped for Windows Phone. You should raise a bug in bugzilla Commented Aug 11, 2016 at 8:06

ItemSelected occurs first. ItemTapped occurs second.


One major difference worth noting is how they work when the SelectionMode="None"

<ListView ... SelectionMode="None" />

When set to "None"...the ItemSelect event will not fire and SelectedItem property remains null.

But ItemTapped events will continue to fire as expected.

ListView interactivity


I think ItemSelected is when you use the DataTemplate for your items.

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