I’ve scoured the ‘net trying to find an authoritative answer to what would seem like a basic capability question, but haven’t found one. I’ve created an Azure Storage Account which contains a blob container with various blobs I’ve created (which are database extract .BACPAC files from an Azure SQL Database server). I’ve now created a VM with SQL Server on it and would like to use those .BACPAC files to instantiate a copy of those databases on my VM. However, it seems that a) you cannot attach non-.VHD blob containers as disks to a VM, b) there’s no functionality in the portal to “convert” an existing non-.VHD blob container into a .VHD, and c) there’s no way to copy files (EDIT: using the portal) from a blob container into an existing .VHD. Is all of this accurate? If so, how does (or can) one mount or move data between blob containers and VMs?

1 Answer 1


a) you cannot attach non-.VHD blob containers as disks to a VM

This is correct. You can only mount a Page Blob (that too a VHD) as a disk to a VM.

b) there’s no functionality in the portal to “convert” an existing non-.VHD blob container into a .VHD

Correct. Currently portal does not have this functionality. However do take a look at zud.io which has this feature. It allows you to convert a block blob into page blob.

c) there’s no way to copy files from a blob container into an existing .VHD

Well, this you can do as long as you're able to mount that VHD as a drive. Once the VHD is mounted as a drive, you can download blobs from a blob container and save it into that VHD.

  • Ah, I think I should have been more precise in my third question - as I meant to ask if there was a way to copy files from a blob container into an existing VHD using the portal alone. I guess I'm off to brush up on my Azure Powershell skills.
    – JimMSDN
    Commented Jul 1, 2014 at 14:22
  • I think there's some confusion. A blob container is like a folder and when you mount a VHD, it also acts like a folder. Do you want to copy blobs (or in other words files) from a blob container to a VHD so that your VHD contains many files? Unfortunately portal today provides somewhat limited functionality so you can't do it through portal alone. Commented Jul 1, 2014 at 14:34
  • Exactly - I used the term "files" when I should have said "blobs". This seems like a basic use case that the portal could easily support and would make simple admin tasks involving data that needs to move between VMs and other Azure services quite a bit easier.
    – JimMSDN
    Commented Jul 1, 2014 at 14:47

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