I have a higher order function map which is similar to STL for_each, and maps a std::function object over a vector of things.

template<class T, class U>
vector<U> map(function<U (T)> f, vector<T> xs) {
  vector<U> ret;
  for (auto &x: xs)
  return ret;

Now, I want to have this higher order function take both objects of types function<int (const vector<T>&)> and function<int (vector<T>)>, as shown in the attached minimal example.

The problem is that function<int (const vector<T>&)> and function<int (vector<T>)> seem to be convertible to each other (see head and head2), but map won't take the const references version function<int (const vector<int>&)> (see Q1).

It is possible to tell map to accept the const reference version with explicit conversion (Q2), but this is rather cumbersome.

I was wondering if, in general, it is possible to write a function deref that removes the const reference from function<int (const vector<T>&)> and returns a function<int (vector<T>)>?

(If above is possible, then I won't have to write two identical overloads/implementations of map for const refs).


#include <vector>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;

template<class T, class U>
vector<U> map(function<U (T)> f, vector<T> xs) {
  vector<U> ret;
  for (auto &x: xs)
  return ret;

int main() {
  vector<vector<int>> m;
  function<int (const vector<int>&)> head  =  [](const vector<int>& a) {return a[0];};
  function<int (const vector<int>&)> head1 =  [](vector<int> a) {return a[0];}; //conversion OK
  function<int (vector<int>)> head2 =  [](const vector<int>& a) {return a[0];}; //conversion OK
  map(head2,m); //OK

  map(head,m); //Q1: problem line, implicit conversion NOT OK
  map(function<int (vector<int>)>(head),m); //Q2: explicit conversion OK
  map(deref(head),m); //Q3: ??How-to, deref takes a std::function f and returns a function with const ref removed from its signature

  return 0;

--- EDIT ---

I am particularly interested in a deref like function or a meta-function that can remove the const ref from the type signature of a std::function object, so that I can at least do Q2 automatically.

I know that, as @Brian and @Manu correctly pointed out, the use of std::function to specify types is not conventional, but I wonder what I asked above is even feasible. Personally, I think code with std::function has greater clarity, considering how generic function types Func<T1, T2, T3, ...,Tn, Tresult> are used in C#. This is if the cost of type erasure is tolerable.

I fully agree that c++ can infer return types and give an error message when type is wrong. Maybe it's just a matter of taste and I would prefer to spell it out when writing function signatures.

  • 4
    Don't use std::function as map function parameter. Use just a template. That reduces the coupling you are experimenting and also improves performance allowing the compiler to do inlining.
    – Manu343726
    Jul 3, 2014 at 19:42

2 Answers 2


I understand why you are using std::function: You have to know the return type of the transformation to create the vector, right?

But consider a completely different approach. Given the metafunction std::result_of you could compute the result type of a function call, so just write:

template<typename F , typename CONTAINER , typename T = typename std::result_of<F(typename CONTAINER::value_type)>::type>
std::vector<T> map( F f , CONTAINER&& container )
    std::vector<T> result;

    for( auto& e : container )
        result.emplace_back( f( e ) );

    return result;


  • No abuse of std::function: Always think what std::function does (i.e. type erasure), don't use it as an universal function type.

  • Rely on duck typing instead of coupling on the types: Don't worry, if something was wrong it wouldn't compile neither.

  • Works for any Standard Library Container since we extracted the element type with the value_type trait, instead of using std::vector directly.

  • The code is much more clear and efficient, both because the reduction of std::function usage.

Regarding the question "Its possible to write a function that accepts lambdas of multiple signatures?"

Using std::function you could write something similar to Boost.OverloadedFunction in a couple of lines:

template<typename F , typename... Fs>
struct overloaded_function : public std_function<F> , public std_function<Fs>...
    overloaded_function( F&& f , Fs&&... fs ) :
        std_function<F>{ f },
        std_function<Fs>{ fs }...

Where std_function is a metafunction which given a function type F returns the std::function instance with the signature of F. I leave it as a game/challenge for the reader.

Thats all. Improve it with a make-like function:

template<typename F , typename... Fs>
overloaded_function<F,Fs...> make_overloaded_function( F&& f , Fs&&... fs )
    return { std::forward<F>( f ) , std::forward<Fs>( fs )... };

And you are ready to go:

auto f = make_overloaded_function( [](){ return 1; } ,
                                   [](int,int){ return 2; } ,
                                   [](const char*){ return 3; } );

f();        //Returns 1
f(1,2);     //Returns 2
f("hello"); //Returns 3

EDIT: "Thanks. But, what I am really looking for, is a meta-function that takes the signature of a callable, and removes the const refs from the signature."

Ok, let me try: The std::decay metafunction applies the decaying done when passing argumments by value to a given type. This includes removing cv qualifiers, removing references, etc. So a metafunction like yours could be something that takes a function signature type and applies decaying to all its argumments:

template<typename F>
struct function_decay;

template<typename R typename... ARGS>
struct function_decay<R(ARGS...)>
    using type = R(typename std::decay<ARGS>::type...);

That should do the work.

I have written this because you explicitly asked for it in the comment, but I strongly encourage you to use the alternative I showed you initially, because it has many advantages compared to your way.
That said, I hope this answer helped to solve your problem.

  • Note he sometimes wants mutable inputs, so I would change const CONTAINER& into CONTAINER&&. Also take F as F&&, not for forwarding, but as a perfect reference. Jul 3, 2014 at 22:31
  • @Manu343726 Thanks. But, what I am really looking for, is a meta-function that takes the signature of a callable, and removes the const refs from the signature. That's the 'deref' part in the OP.
    – thor
    Jul 5, 2014 at 3:02
  • @Manu343726 Thanks for the advice, I will keep that in mind. I will try to use your function_decay meta_function, and figure out the std_function part of the exercise.
    – thor
    Jul 5, 2014 at 13:32
  • @Manu343726 Could you, please, post, how std_function should look like? Sep 27, 2015 at 11:52

The idiomatic solution is to simply allow map to take an arbitrary function-like type,

template<class T, class F>
auto map(F f, vector<T> xs) -> vector<typename result_of<F(T)>::type> {
  vector<typename result_of<F(T)>::type> ret;
  for (auto &x: xs)
  return ret;

The main issue with this approach is that you get confusing error messages if F is not callable with arguments of type T, or if it returns something strange, like void.

(A secondary issue is that the first argument to map can't be an overloaded function; the compiler won't simply be able to pick the overload that takes an argument of type T.)

(You might also want to consider decaying the return type of f.)

  • +1 Five seconds before me, Nooooooo, you beat me ;).
    – Manu343726
    Jul 3, 2014 at 19:52

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