Most probably this is what you want...
<div style={{display: "flex"}}>
<div style={{width: "80%"}}>
attributesInput={{ // Optional.
id: 'listPrice',
name: 'listPrice',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Please Enter List Price',
class="field inputField"
value={listPrice} // Optional.[String].Default: "".
onChange={(value) => handleSetListPrice(value)} // Required.[Func].Default: () => {}. Will return the value.
onBlur={() => {}} // Optional.[Func].Default: none. In order to validate the value on blur, you MUST provide a function, even if it is an empty function. Missing this, the validation on blur will not work.
type: 'number', // Optional.[String].Default: "string". Validation type, options are ['string', 'number', 'alphanumeric', 'alpha'].
min: 1, // Optional.[Number].Default: 0. Validation of min length when validationOption['type'] is string, min amount when validationOption['type'] is number.
max: 100, // Optional.[Number].Default: 0. Validation of max length when validationOption['type'] is string, max amount when validationOption['type'] is number.
mantissa: 2 // Optional.[Number].Default: -1. Number precision.
<div style={{width: "20%"}}>
<Select options={[ { value: 'eth', label: 'ETH' }, { value: 'xyzx', label: 'XYZ' } ]} />