An error occurred Application error Exception information:

Message: Select query cannot join with another table This is my code:


class Application_Model_DbTable_Seguimientos extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract {

    protected $_name = 'Seguimientos';    
    public function buscarCaso($cod_beneficiario) {
        $consulta = $this->select()

        ->from(array('seg' => 'Seguimientos'))
        ->join(array('casos' => 'Asuntos_Estudiantiles'),
        'seg.cod_radicado = casos.codigo_radicado')
        ->where('casos.cod_beneficiario = ?', $cod_beneficiario);

        $query = $this->fetchAll($consulta)->toArray();
        return $query;

I use Zend Framework 1 error

  • 3
    $select->setIntegrityCheck(false); add this line (from the below answer)
    – almaruf
    Jul 28, 2015 at 16:00

1 Answer 1


class Application_Model_DbTable_Seguimientos extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract {

    protected $_name = 'Seguimientos';

    public function buscarCaso($cod_beneficiario) {

        $consulta = $this->select()

        ->from(array('seg' => 'Seguimientos'))
        ->join(array('casos' => 'Asuntos_Estudiantiles'),
        'seg.cod_radicado = casos.codigo_radicado')
        ->where('casos.cod_beneficiario = ?', $cod_beneficiario)
        ->setIntegrityCheck(false); // ADD This Line

        $query = $this->fetchAll($consulta)->toArray();
        return $query;


Solved by adding ->setIntegrityCheck(false) ! =)

An explanation of why this helps is found at this question/answer


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