I have a local Git server set up on my network, but I'm having issues committing my project code to it.
Here are the steps I've tried so far:
Using visual studio 2013 a create a new project. Then while still inside the IDE I right click on my solution in the solution explorer and I add the solution to source control. For the source control type I use 'Git' as that's what type my local server is. I create this project on my local server machine which is at address
Once everything is set up, I commit the project into my source control system and push the changes.
I then close the solution that I've just committed, and close visual studio.
I then move to a different machine (Where I want to work on my project) open visual studio 2013, open Team explorer and clone the project that I just created in previous steps.
I use the following settings to clone this new project:
Git repo to clone :
Where to clone : C:/Users/Me/Desktop/GitTest/
Once I click on the clone button, everything works as I expect, the solution is created on the new machine, the files I initially created and everything looks ok.
The previously cloned project opens fine in visual studio and I see exactly what I expect to see in my solution explorer.
My next step is to add some code to the project, I do this in the usual manner of adding new items and typing in some code, then saving it.
Once I have some code to commit, I go back into the Team Explorer, I find my list of changes and a click on the required buttons to commit them.
It's at this point where things start to fail.
In Un-Synced commits section I click on the button labeled push and I'm immediately presented with an error message stating the following:
An error occurred. Detailed message: An error was raised by libgit2. Category = Unknown (Error). No error message has been provided by the native library.
I have no idea what this error means or how to fix it, has anyone here come across this error before, or even a similar situation which they've been able to fix, if so could anyone tell me how they managed to get things working.
Many Thanks in advance if you can.