How do I handle alerts in an Android web application using Appium server (1.0.1) and the Android SDK?
The below code is not working on android:
Error message:
> -modal window does not get closed
How do I handle alerts in an Android web application using Appium server (1.0.1) and the Android SDK?
The below code is not working on android:
Error message:
> -modal window does not get closed
You need to get the Alert before you try and accept it
This is code from some of the Appium Java Client Tests:
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
This should work most of the time.
If accept()
isn't working, replace the driver.switchTo().alert();
and alert.accept();
with code to find the button and then click it.
If it's not finding the button wrap findElementBy(Method)
code in a try/retry block, and then click on it.
The best way is to use the appium inspector. Click on the element and copy the resource-id from it. Use this resource id in findElement( method.
For me resource-id: android:id/button1
((AndroidDriver) driver).findElement("android:id/button1")).click();
This is for Android. For regular use you can use
Some alerts may be native Android's alerts, not generated by a browser. In this case the following code:
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); alert.accept();
may throw:
WebDriverException: unknown error: unhandled inspector error: {"code":-32603,"message":"No JavaScript dialog to handle"}
To handle such alert, just switch to the native application context, make required actions, and then switch back to the browser:
AppiumDriver<WebElement> appiumDriver = (AppiumDriver<WebElement>) webDriver;
String currentContext = appiumDriver.getContext();
// actions within the alert
appiumDriver.findElements(By.xpath(OK_BUTTON_LOCATOR)).click(); // put locator instead of OK_BUTTON_LOCATOR
// continue working
WebElement btn = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//android.widget.Button[@content-desc='OK']"));
TouchAction act = new TouchAction(driver);
(241,320) these are X & Y c ordinates of alert This work perfectly for me
Appium comes with a default capability to accept, dismiss alerts
capabilities.SetCapability("autoAcceptAlerts", true);
capabilities.SetCapability("autoDismissAlerts", true);
If the alert display on Ui , taking more time to display when we need to wait ..we can use fluent wait instead of this..
So an updated answer on this is this: an AlertDialog is a system level element, so clicking on accept button you should use:
else for cancel do this:
// first check alert is present or not
public boolean isAlertPresent() {
try {
mobDriver.switchTo().alert();"ALERT IS PRESENT !! ");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {"ALERT IS NOT PRESENT !! ");
return false;
public void mobileAlertHandle() {
if (isAlertPresent()) {
Alert alert = mobDriver.switchTo().alert();
if this does not work then inspect your element and try with id or name
ex: mobDriver.findElementById("android:id/button2").click()
Please use the below code, Add some wait before clicking on OK Button. After that pass the xpath of you OK Button.
synchronized (driver)
required here? Don't just post a code, add an explanation why it works.
Nov 16, 2017 at 7:17