Until CSS: image-orientation:from-image;
is more universally supported we are doing a server side solution with python. Here's the gist of it. You check the exif data for orientation, then rotate the image accordingly and resave.
We prefer this solution over client side solutions as it does not require loading extra libraries client side, and this operation only has to happen one time on file upload.
if fileType == "image":
exifToolCommand = "exiftool -j '%s'" % filePath
exif = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(exifToolCommand), stderr=subprocess.PIPE))
if 'Orientation' in exif[0]:
findDegrees, = re.compile("([0-9]+)").search(exif[0]['Orientation']).groups()
if findDegrees:
rotateDegrees = int(findDegrees)
if 'CW' in exif[0]['Orientation'] and 'CCW' not in exif[0]['Orientation']:
rotateDegrees = rotateDegrees * -1
# rotate image
img = Image.open(filePath)
img2 = img.rotate(rotateDegrees)
could be rotating it in page. You could force a rotate via CSS jsfiddle.net/7j5xJ/1Orientation: Rotate 180
in EXIF.