I have recently deployed my symfony2 project on the production environment. all it works fine after purging the cache and doing all recommended tasks. After 1 day, I noticed that all my pages has the same content as the contact page. After clearing the cache the website return to be operational, but after a while the bug appear again, so I'm sure now the the root of the problem is the cache but during the deployment I was obliged to rename :

web --> www vendor/symfony/symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/config/web.xml --> vendor/symfony/symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/config/www.xml

because I'm using a shared web hosting.

any suggestions or ideas? Thank you.

1 Answer 1


it's a bug in the hosting provider CDN cache,so by disabling it , the website works perfectly.

How to for OVH users :

connect to your hosting by using ssh or ftp, in the root of your website, edit the ".ovhconfig" and replace environment=production by environment=development.


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