Note: as already said, you should have a password that come with the pfx file.
In case they have not shared with you any password, maybe the password is just an empty one. In this case, try with -passin pass:
to express an empty password.
openssl pkcs12 -in input.p12 -out output.pem -nodes -passin pass:
And if you remembered that there is a password, good for you! Use that:
openssl pkcs12 -in input.p12 -out output.pem -nodes -passin pass:"YOUR PASSWORD"
Note: if there is a password but you can't remember it, contact the author of that file and get the password.
If you really cannot remember the password, you have a problem. That problem cannot be solved by you, or by StackOverflow. Unless you have a bruteforce power using a quantum computer or something alien like that.