using Xcode 5.1, Objective-C
Just start to try use of Objective-C, write a simple program, and got some Warning :
Method definition for "some method" not found...
I'm looking in to my code and I see method in implementation file (.m) Screen.
I know - see a lot of similar questions:
- Here - differences in letter case - check all it's ok
- Here - calling to method that not exist in .m file - check - exist
- Here - same problem like in prev. question
- Here - weird/non-standard setup Apple - all OK
- Here - incorrect implementation
- Here - missed parameter, so incorrect implementation
- and other same errors...
So according to this post, I think that the problem is or in missing declaration/implementation or some syntax's error
Check my code looks like all is ok.
Declaration - in .h file
//- mean non static method
//(return type) Method name : (type of var *) name of var
- (void)addAlbumWithTitle : (NSString *) title
//global name of var : (type of var *) local name of var
artist : (NSString *) artist :
summary : (NSString *) summary :
price : (float) price :
locationInStore : (NSString *) locationInStore;
Implementation in .m file
- (void)addAlbumWithTitle:(NSString *)title
artist:(NSString *)artist
summary:(NSString *)summary
locationInStore:(NSString *)locationInStore {
Album *newAlbum = [[Album alloc] initWithTitle:title
[self.albumList addObject:newAlbum];
I'm just few a day like start to try Objective-C with Xcode, maybe I something missed