How can the following query's results be sorted by index name?
curl "localhost:9200/_aliases?pretty"
You can ask ES to sort the results via the s
(sort) searchParameter using s=i
or s=index
curl "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?pretty&s=i"
curl "localhost:9200/_cat/aliases?pretty&s=index"
To see the column's headers, add "&v" :
curl "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?pretty&v&s=index"`.
You can find some explanations in the cat/indices documentation
Feb 4, 2018 at 5:45
GET _cat/aliases?v&s=index:desc&h=alias,index
Will give you:
alias index
app-logs-alias app-logs-2017-12-31
backend-logs-read backend-logs-2017-12-31
s = sort, v = various extra detail, h = headings to include,
I think that the best way to do this would be via the console. Something like this:
$ curl --silent '' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | sort
curl --silent '' | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sort
-n(numeric sort)
option and -k(key)
option for sort
instead of using cut
. For example, curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices' | sort -nk 3
because the spaces delimiting each column where not constant for me: $ curl --silent '' | awk '{ print $3 }' | sort
Sep 2, 2021 at 4:52
This is an old question, but now in 2020 the best way is :
with kibana :
GET _cat/indices/?pretty&s=store.size:desc
with curl :
Desc at the end for sort by desc
Just use this get request it will show all indexes with the column name.
Additionally, not only by name you can sort it by any parameter you want with a get parameter of s=column_name
for example; to sort by the size you can do like:
similarly for name:
I don't think it exists by elasticsearch api.
Response from elasticsearch can be
"index1": {
"aliases": {}
Here is a pseudocode to get index from response
If aliasresponse is response from elasticsearch, then
for (key in aliasresponse) {
For sorting, you can find libaries or custom methods.
Hope this helps.
curl localhost:9200/_cat/aliases | sort
? I realize it's a completely different format, but it might be what you really wantedsort
as @Alcanzar said. Trycurl localhost:9200/_cat/indices | sort -nk2