I have a Makefile from which I want to call another external bash script to do another part of the building. How would I best go about doing this?

5 Answers 5


Just like calling any other command from a makefile:

target: prerequisites
    shell_script arg1 arg2 arg3

Regarding your further explanation:

.PHONY: do_script

    shell_script arg1 arg2 arg3

prerequisites: do_script

target: prerequisites 
  • but I need to run the script before the prerequisites
    – Matthew FL
    Commented Mar 23, 2010 at 23:47
  • 3
    @Matthew, then your makefile is set up incorrectly. Make a new .PHONY target that your prerequisites depend on, and run the script in that target.
    – Carl Norum
    Commented Mar 24, 2010 at 0:15
  • 1
    Edited with more for your case.
    – Carl Norum
    Commented Mar 24, 2010 at 0:17
  • Does make exit if the shell scripts status is non-zero? I want it to work that way, how can I achieve this?
    – Raaka
    Commented Jul 3 at 18:08
  • Yes that is make’s normal behaviour.
    – Carl Norum
    Commented Jul 4 at 19:21

Perhaps not the "right" way to do it like the answers already provided, but I came across this question because I wanted my makefile to run a script I wrote to generate a header file that would provide the version for a whole package of software. I have quite a bit of targets in this package, and didn't want to add a brand new prerequisite to them all. Putting this towards the beginning of my makefile worked for me

$(shell ./genVer.sh)

which tells make to simply run a shell command. ./genVer.sh is the path (same directory as the makefile) and name of my script to run. This runs no matter which target I specify (including clean, which is the downside, but ultimately not a huge deal to me).

  • 2
    whatever the right way is supposed to be, this is the only answer that made sense to me! Commented Aug 6, 2020 at 18:26

Currently using Makefile, I can easily call the bash script like this:


And call:

make dump

This also works like mentioned in the other answer:

    $(shell ./script_dump.sh)

But the downside is that you don't get the shell commands from the console unless you store in a variable and echo it.

  • In the last case, the output of $(shell ./script_dump.sh) will be considered a new command to be run after running the script, leading to No such file or directory errors. Commented Jan 22 at 8:27

Each of the actions in the makefile rule is a command that will be executed in a subshell. You need to ensure that each command is independent, since each one will be run inside a separate subshell.

For this reason, you will often see line breaks escaped when the author wants several commands to run in the same subshell:

    command_the_first foo bar baz
    command_the_second wibble wobble warble
    command_the_third which is rather too long \
        to fit on a single line so \
        intervening line breaks are escaped
    command_the_fourth spam eggs beans

Not sure if this is best practice, but the most straightforward approach I've found is to simply use bash, if your terminal has it:

    bash ./scripts/some_shell_script.sh

This negates the need to alter the permissions of the file first then by executing directly i.e. via ./scripts/some_shell_script.sh. Alternately to source the command in the spawned make process, the following 2 methods below will also work (the ./ is optional).

    source ./scripts/some_shell_script.sh

    . ./scripts/some_shell_script.sh

Within your terminal, the following can then be run.

$ make run_file

An extended make entry to run a python file after running a shell script to activate the virtual environment to run it in (by chaining commands with &&):

    @bash -c "source ./scripts/python/activate_env.sh && \
    python src/python_scripts/main.py"

    @source ./scripts/python/activate_env.sh && \
    python src/python_scripts/main.py

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