In C# I found a method that was pretty sweet that allowed you to get all the descendants and all of THEIR descendants from a specified control.

I'm looking for a similar method for JavaFX.

I saw that the Parent class is what I want to work with since it is the class from which all Node classes that bear children are derived.

This is what I have so far (and I haven't really found anything on google with searches like "JavaFX get all nodes from a scene"):

public static ArrayList<Node> GetAllNodes(Parent root){
    ArrayList<Node> Descendents = new ArrayList<>();
    root.getChildrenUnmodifiable().stream().forEach(N -> {
        if (!Descendents.contains(N)) Descendents.add(N);
        if (N.getClass() == Parent.class) Descendents.addAll(

So how do I tell if N is a parent (or extended from a parent)? Am I doing that right? It doesn't seem to be working... It's grabbing all the nodes from the root (parent) node but not from the nodes with children in them. I feel like this is something that's probably got an answer to it but I'm just asking the question... wrong. How do I go about doing this?

  • Maybe change the title from scene to parent?
    – Lealo
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 12:51
  • please change the title, as Scene is not Parent Commented Apr 9, 2019 at 14:28

6 Answers 6

public static ArrayList<Node> getAllNodes(Parent root) {
    ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
    addAllDescendents(root, nodes);
    return nodes;

private static void addAllDescendents(Parent parent, ArrayList<Node> nodes) {
    for (Node node : parent.getChildrenUnmodifiable()) {
        if (node instanceof Parent)
            addAllDescendents((Parent)node, nodes);
  • 1
    Why the extra method though? What is wrong with keeping it all in one method?
    – Will
    Commented Jul 28, 2014 at 0:05
  • 1
    @Will It uses less memory because with the second method you don't have to create a new ArrayList every single time the method is called--you just add all the nodes to the same one. Just good programming practice. Commented Jul 28, 2014 at 0:07
  • @Will the performance is also faster because you avoid the many arraycopy operations that would occur if you were constantly merging lists together. Again, just good programming practice. Commented Jul 28, 2014 at 0:14
  • performance is also faster Did you measure that? If not, it's nothing but a wild-wild guess :-)
    – kleopatra
    Commented Jul 28, 2014 at 14:30
  • 9
    @kleopatra You don't have to perform any testing to realize that n add operations + m arraycopy operations + m new ArrayList() operations (m > 0) will take longer to perform than n add operations + 0 arraycopy operations + 0 new ArrayList() operations, ceteris paribus. I'm sure it wouldn't make much of a difference at all unless you were working with huge numbers. But you're welcome to measure the difference yourself and then come back with something constructive to say :-) Commented Jul 28, 2014 at 15:58

I use this,

public class NodeUtils {

    public static <T extends Pane> List<Node> paneNodes(T parent) {
        return paneNodes(parent, new ArrayList<Node>());

    private static <T extends Pane> List<Node> paneNodes(T parent, List<Node> nodes) {
        for (Node node : parent.getChildren()) {
            if (node instanceof Pane) {
                paneNodes((Pane) node, nodes);
            } else {

        return nodes;


List<Node> nodes = NodeUtils.paneNodes(aVBoxOrAnotherContainer);

This source code uses the references of the existing nodes. It does not clone them.

  • It will not find nodes inside a TitledPane even though they can have child nodes, as they are not Panes. But changing Pane to Region and using getChildrenUnmodifiable() instead of getChildren() seems to work
    – golimar
    Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 13:49

This seems to get ALL nodes. (In Kotlin)

fun getAllNodes(root: Parent): ArrayList<Node> {
    var nodes = ArrayList<Node>()
    fun recurseNodes(node: Node) {
        if(node is Parent)
            for(child in node.childrenUnmodifiable) {
    return nodes

I'd like to add to Hans' answer, that you have to check if parent is a SplitPane. Because SplitPanes have an empty list using getUnmodifiableChildren(), you'll have to use getItems() instead. (I do not know if there are other parents that do not provide their children via getUnmodifiableChildren(). SplitPane was the first I found...)

  • 1
    Yeah there's quite a bunch. Including menus. It's a mess. Commented Oct 17, 2018 at 11:50

Unfortunately this won't get subnodes for most container components. If you try a TabPane as parent, you'll find no children, but you can find tabs in it with getTabs(). The same is with SplitPane and other. So every container will require a specific approach.

You could use node.lookupAll("*"), but it also doesn't look inside.

The solution could be a "Prototype" pattern - creating a meta class with common interface of getChildren() method, which is realized in subclasses - one for each type.

Approach example is given here.


This works for me:

public class FXUtil {

    public static final List<Node> getAllChildren(final Parent parent) {
        final List<Node> result = new LinkedList<>();

        if (parent != null) {

            final List<Node> childrenLvl1 = parent.getChildrenUnmodifiable();

            final List<Node> childrenLvl2 =
                                .filter(c -> c instanceof Parent)
                                .map(c -> (Parent) c)

        return result;


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