I was carrying out soak testing on my website with 200 requests in 1 ramp up second. I am using JMeter V2.11 . But the tool hung and the test stopped roughly after about 35 mins in 5 different attempts. Though there was nothing registered in the log files, I presume the listener "View Results Tree" is the culprit. Tool: Jmeter Version 2.11 Duration: 1 hour JRE used 1.7 RAM 4 GB.

If so what can I do? Is there any alternative ? Even disabling/enabling the listener during the test doesnt work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Any recommendations for a tool which does soak testing is also welcome. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


Disabling the listeners during the test execution will not be helpful.

since system RAM is only 4GB, my suggestion would be to run the test in Command line mode.


hope this will help

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